
clarissa's catering company

what is it about these lyrics that irk some women i know?

in my opinion...this song is about totally loving a man to the point where all you want to do is spoil him...see to his needs...make sure that you are the best that you can be for him...

and exactly what is wrong with that?

i...for one...want to AND DO cater to my man...the problem with most relationships is that more often than not...females run into TANS (trifling @$$ knee-grows) who are not worth catering to or end up in situations where the special attention is not reciprocated in equal measure...

as a result...my sisters and sistafriends end up so jaded and cynical that when they hear lyrics such as these from beyonce and her backup singers, they are so emotionally (and sometimes financially) bankrupt that they cannot embrace these lyrics as the truest form of love...

and of course...the libra in me can acknowledge the flipside of the situation...the actions in this song smack of servitude...

but...what's so wrong with serving the man you love? isn't that a part of the submitting that you are supposed to do as a good wife?

keep in mind here that if you are loving and serving the right kind of man that he is loving and serving you too...maybe not in that exact same way...

but when my man gets up before daybreak to go out and earn a living to bring his paycheck home to momma..appreciates the good loving i give him and the good meals that i prepare...when he makes me feel safe and secure...when he prays for me...when he comes up behind me and takes me in his arms and whispers words of sweet love...when he comes home every night...when he's d*cking me down, making my toes curl and he's calling MY name...when i don't ever have to worry about the other woman OR the other man...when i know that at the end of a day...he's got my back like i've got his and that together there is no challenge in life that we can't overcome...

hell yeah...i'm gonna love him with every fiber of my being...

just call me clarissa the caterer...


muffins gone WILD! said...

i'm feelin this song because you should cater to each other. not because you have to but that you want to....because you truly love that one and you want to make each other feel good, special, sexy, wanted, loved, etc. shooot ain't nothin wrong with that! last night i sure did serve chicken & beer to my man in my tshirt & panties! lol followed by my head on demand, and made his azz fall asleep like a baby! lol

Kim Plaintive said...

I think it’s great if two loving people cater to each other. I could just do without the lyric about getting the man’s slippers. It’s a little too “Lassie” for me.

KaNisa said...

My gosh that song does irk me to ow end...actually all of Destiny Child's recent songs do...that solider one, yuck, but that cater to one especially

But at the same time, I really do cater to my guy like that when I have one that I truly care about as long as he knows how to apreciate me that way back.

Bullet Proof Diva said...

Interesting..I commented on my blog that this song irked me, reading your post almost made me believe that I should re-think my position on the song, but I am far from emotionally bankrupt. The song irks me but not for the TAN factor.

Icey said...

I think that some of the lyrics are just a little...I'on know 'slave submissive'? "Tap me on the shoulder I'll roll over'? Women are just often the caterers...OK I am rambling.

However, I do agree that you cater to me, I will cater to you. Maybe it sounds one sided because it's, well, the female's POV....the song still irks me!


Amadeo said...

reciprocity is the key

The Quintessential Negro said...

Well put sister friend. Ain't nothin wrong with a lil caterin'. And if it feels good, there's no need to even question it. If catering is wrong, I don't wanna be right. Amen.

Ms. Blaize said...

I think the annoyance has something to do with the fact that we haven't heard a man express these things to us since the days of Babyface's "As Soon As I Get Home". In its place we are force fed songs that already insinuate that it's our God given right to be suberviant and like any situation, the day you don't respect reciprocity and make it seem like something OWED to you, is the day you see women get annoyed by that song.

As for myself, I didn't really get annoyed when I heard it. I just thought. Hmmmmm..... nice gimmick.