
and on the 100th day...she rose...

Yeah, I know.

It's been a minute, but I'm back.

I didn't die. I didn't fall off the face of the earth. I wasn't held hostage. I haven't been in a coma. I didn't enter the witness protection program. I was not asleep in a tomb.

Instead, I allowed myself to get caught up in the daily grind of a routine that didn't make enough room for all of the things that give me joy.

In the process, I lost almost three and a half months of my life. Let me explain what I mean by "lost". I didn't blog. I didn't write a single word. I have not taken the time to record the thoughts and events that recount my personal history. And as we all well know, we cannot always leave it to our memories to be the most accurate story teller.

I didn't write about my wonderful Christmas. I didn't tell you about the amazing spa experience that my sweetie created for me on New Years Day. I didn't agonize with you over the ten LONG days that I spent in Dallas at the end of January in class to become a certified mediator / facilitator.

I didn't tell you about the Valentines date that sweetie and I set up for the little boy - (he had BIG fun!!). I didn't express my outrage at the ex-girlfriend over calling MY house at 713a on a Thursday morning. I didn't rant and rave over having to ride roughshod over my softball team to get them to pay their team fees a full 6 weeks before the start of the season.

I didn't gush over the birthday brunch that I had at the Re.naissance Wa.verly one Sunday afternoon as I celebrated a friend with a group of the most fabulous and beautiful ladies. I didn't introduce you to Corey Ritter, my personal trainer. I also didn't report how he's been trying to kill me.

And I could go on, but that's what I mean by lost. What I lost was all of the truest parts of those events. I didn't take time to record what I was thinking, feeling and living as I was experiencing it. And here, now, trying to go back and remember those little bits of time, I cannot go back and pick up the pieces of those experiences that made an impact on me.

Quite frankly, that is too much information to process at one time. Too many emotions. Too many responses. Too many thoughts. Too many words. Too many conversations. Too many days. Too many minutes. Too many seconds.

Too much lost.

So, here I am a full hundred days (give or take) since the last time I posted.

Like the one who rose on the third day, I am reborn, resurrected, just like new, maybe even better.

And just so you know, in days to come, I may again seem to be buried under the routine of life, but...in the words of an Easter song my childhood choir used to sing and unlike The South...

I will rise again.

next post...Eden's Song