She didn't realize that all heads turned as she entered room. The midnight blue outfit that she wore played to each voluptuous curve of her womanly body. She had an air about her that you instinctively knew was as much a part of her sexiness as each confident step that she took into the center of the room.
She moved toward an empty spot at the bar and before she could properly seat herself, she was approached by an eager brother who touched her elbow in an attempt to assist her onto the stool's high seat.
A brief flash of annoyance crossed her lovely face but before the unsuspecting gentlemen could recognize it for what it was, she graced him with a winning smile and murmured a soft word of thanks. He immediately took that as an invitation to a conversation.
"Hi, I noticed you when you walked in. I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Barrett."
"Barrett, it's nice to meet you."
"Would you mind telling me your name?"
"My name is Mimi."
"Could I buy you a drink?"
"Actually, Barrett, while I'm very much flattered by your chivalry and I do appreciate your polite approach. I came here tonight just to experience the atmosphere, get lost in the jazz and be moved by the poetry. I didn't come to meet anyone. I came to just be."
Anger flared up and turned Barrett's handsome countenance into an unattractive grimace. "See, that's what I'm talking about. You sisters are always complaining about being unable to meet a nice man and when one approaches you, you shut him down without a second thought."
As she listened to the unprovoked tirade, Mimi's smile turned into a look of patient understanding.
"Um, Barrett, sweetie? Are you done venting?"
With a cross little boy nod, he indicated that he was.
"Dearheart, it was not my intention to offend you. I thought I was being quite polite by explaining my reasons for being here tonight. You see, I would be wrong to allow you to spend your hard earned money on me when everything you will ever get out of an exchange with me, you've already gotten. So, your drink dollars would be better invested on some other undoubtedly lucky young lady who came here to meet just such a man as yourself."
"But why not you?"
"Because Mimi's got a man."
Just about that time, the emcee stepped to the stage, welcomed the crowd and immediately introduced the first poet of the night.
"Atlanta, for the first time anywhere, please give it up for Mimi!!!"
A very surprised Barrett offered Mimi a helping hand and she moved with feline grace and a quiet confidence toward the stage.
She positioned herself in front of the mike and the first notes drifted across the room from the piano man's nimble fingers.
"First I want to do a short piece called
breathing exercise. I hope you like it."
Mimi closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"breathe in, slow down, listen…
there is rhyme for this reason
and a time for this season,
cause my man is always pleasin’
me in ways i never imagined.
if i had known this magic did exist,
there’s no way i would have missed
opportunities to be kissed
in other places.
now, time won’t stand still
and my heart can no longer feel
the things that are not real
or make believe.
so i stand on mountaintops and shout
words to tell what love is all about
and listen, slow down, breathe out."
As Mimi opened her eyes and stepped away from the mike, applause took over the room until with a modest smile, she again moved forward and held up her hands.
"This is a piece that I wrote for the man in my life. He couldn't be here tonight, but his spirit travels with me and I am never alone. This is still a work in progress and doesn't really have a title yet, but I'm hoping you will feel what I felt as I began to put this piece together."
This time, the soulful notes from the sexy sax played across the room as Mimi again closed her eyes. For a long moment, she said nothing. When she finally opened her mouth, the first sound was a low moan that came from the deepest part of her.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, boy what you do to me
There are not enough words to tell.
And if your loving keeps me from heaven,
I am on a speed train bound for hell.
Security is what I find with you
when I'm wrapped in your loving arms
And I know that you will always protect me
And keep me safe from harm.
It is evident in every part of your being
That you know how to walk the walk.
And when you're whispering sweet nothings in my ear,
You can surely talk the talk.
When I'm with you, time flies by.
The moments too swiftly pass.
I wish I could stretch each second
and make our time together last.
Three hours seems like three seconds
And three days are not enough,
When all I want is you close to me
Filling me with your love.
When I'm with you, I only want to make you happy
for it gladdens my heart to see you smile.
I'll hold your hand as we take this journey
I'll be with you until the last mile.
Each moment spend together
Certainly heaven here on earth.
And I could spend a thousand tomorrows
But never measure love's worth.
From the deepest part of me,
You see into my soul.
You look past all my secrets.
You magnify my whole.
All that I am and hope to be
I lay at your feet.
And I trust you with my heart
To forever safely keep.
At the end of the day, when every word's been said
And each feeling has been expressed.
I'll keep giving you my all and all
for you give me nothing less.
I am lost within the spell of you
And love's sweet serenity.
I give you this love forever and
For all eternity. As she stepped away from the mike for a final time and the last strains of music floated away, the entire room was spellbound. As she opened eyes filled with tears of emotion, before her stood her man. Silently, he held his hand out to her and she moved in a trance toward him.
No one in the room moved. Every eye was glued to the scene playing out before them.
As she neared, only those closest to them could hear his words.
"Mimi, will you take my hand and walk with me? I don't know where this path will lead us, but I know without a doubt that I all I want is to have you with me each step along the way. And I can't make any promise past today, but I can assure you that I will do all that I can on this day to see you smile."
The teardrops began to fall as she gazed into his eyes. She said nothing. She only took his hand. As they walked away from the spotlight and out into the night, a collective sigh was heard as the room burst into thunderous applause. Leaving each man in the room longing for the lovely creature who had left each woman present with a renewed faith in love.