
True Goal for 2012

Walk out the door for work at 845a each day. 

My plan is to be dressed and gathering my things to leave by 830a. It will surely help if I begin making my lunches the night before.

Lord God, help me stay with this.


2012 Workout Plan and Running Goals

Run three times a week.

Cross train twice a week.

Run the RNR Half in New Orleans in March.

Run the Peachtree Road Race in July.

Run with my marathon relay team in October.

Participate in BGR group runs regularly.
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2012 Call To Action - Pictures of the Party

This year, I will begin working on growing a business as a party photographer.  I will photograph birthday parties, bridal showers, baby showers, and wedding guests.
I will need to purchase a camera, upgrade my computer, buy some additional photo software.  I will also need to secure a website address. And begin to market my services.
First I will offer some free services to build a portfolio. And then begin to shop my services so that I can work as a subcontractor to wedding photographers and as a partner to wedding planners and venues.

Prayer Request

Lord, lead us and guide us through this wedding planning process. I want to have a wonderful, memorable day filled with love and laughter and surrounded by the family and friends whose presence would mean the most and be most enriching.

Also, lead us to the right vendors and allow them to offer us favorable terms and reasonable prices.

And let all things be done according to your will for our lives.

In Jesus' name, I pray.
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Forgot to turn my flash off...EVERYbody saw me take this picture...(lmao)



Snacks for Today

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Breakfast - Oatmeal with Flaxseed Meal, Turkey Bacon and 2% Milk

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Another Day of Healthy Eating

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Go Fast Like Ricky Bobby

I just had to run an errand off the airport.  My path took me past a Dairy Queen.  I distinctly heard an Oreo Blizzard call my name.  But I sped up, went fast, like Ricky Bobby. 

Am now sitting at my desk, eating a boiled egg and an apple.

Yay me.


Everybody knows...I loveS me some coupons!

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This morning when I got on the train, I noticed this guy slumped down in his seat. At first, I thought he was asleep. But he kept opening his eyes and shifting around in his seat. As I began to pay closer attention, I realized that what he was doing was trying to get in a better position to look under the skirt of the woman sitting in front of him.

At first, I said nothing, but then, I saw him take his camera phone out of his pocket and move it down beside his leg. At this point, I got up and went over to the young lady and tucked her skirt under her leg and whispered to her that the guy was trying to look under her skirt.

After I returned to my seat, a gentleman who saw what was going on, got up and sat beside buddy to block his view.

The nerve!!! Nasty buzzard!!!


So many sleepers...so little time...

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Long week...long day...long nap

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I'm not up now...

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Feelings about Public Assistance

And as one who grew up in an under the income limit household that qualified for benefits, I can promise you that we were not living "high on the hog."  The assistance that came in as WIC and government food subsidies (gubment cheese) and food stamps was used to stretch what money my grandmother had.

I didn't own a pair of name brand ANYthing that didn't come from a garage sale or the white lady across town or a pair of shoes that did not come from TG&Y or Payless until I had a job and bought them myself.

In the summertime, I wasn't playing and sleeping in and watching cartoons.  My grandmother had us in the fields, picking peas and butter beans and canning in the afternoons and riding up and down dirt roads, picking up aluminum cans.

So, the thought process that EVERY welfare recipient is lazy and good for nothing and doesn't deserve it doesn't necessarily fly with me.

08.17.11 - Lunch

Chicken Stir Fry with Brown Rice

08.17.11 - Morning Snack


08.17.11 - Breakfast

SlimFast Chocolate Shake w/ extra protein

08.17.11 - Morning Run Report

Power Walk - Regular Route - 2.25miles - 36minutes - focused on posture, long strides and tight abs.  Me, TheDude, the dog.

Caughtcha sleeping...

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Good night, sweetheart...

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08.16.11 - Evening Meal

The leftover chicked fried rice from lunch
and a biscuit with syrup.

(Boo on the biscuit. LOL)

08.16.11 - Afternoon Snack

Granola Bar

08.16.11 - Lunch

Chicken Fried Rice

M. came and took me to lunch at Noodles on Main Street in College Park.


08.16.11 - Morning Snack

15 almonds
1 banana

08.16.11 - Breakfast

Turkey Bacon - 2 slices
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View from Pemberton Place

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Do You Know...

Books I bought for me and M.
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Echelon 3000

M. won a party at Echelon 3000 last night.

And because we had been told how crowded it would get, we actually got there kinda early. Around 730p.

There was a MySpace talent show going on and Dwele was performing later. There were a couple of standouts in the show, voice-wise and performance wise, but most every performer was rather decent. The Dwele performance was quite forgettable. In fact, I'm only writing about it so that I don't forget it.

I met M.'s cousins - Franklin and Monica(?) for the first time and they were really cool. Tomond, Nicole, Montrez, Dee, Ed and another couple that M. is friends with also joined us out.

All in all, we had BIG FUN!!!



I Know Why I Got Fat

I was victim of a combination of things.  Around the same time I started working a more demanding job with longer hours, I started dating someone who was damn near BBOD's size.  (And sorry, buddy was chunky.  He looked okay with it.  But he could have lost a few pounds of stomach if nothing else.)

Prior to him, I was dating someone who was very physically active and who had outstanding eating habits.

After that, my activity level dropped to zero.  My eating habits went to sht.  And since buddy was so big and I'm so tall, the extra pounds that I was putting on were almost un-noticed.  In fact, buddy used to celebrate the fact that I was "spreading out."  Until one day, I was walking through the grocery store and I thought someone was following me.  Turns out, it was my own ass.

At first I made excuses, but then, I realized that I needed to make a change for the better.  That was 5 years ago.  I have been working out fairly regularly since then.  Every now and then, I get off my workout plan, but never for too long.

It's the eating plan that screws me up.  After growing up having sweets very infrequently and in a town where there were no fast food restaurants until I was a teenager, I now have a raging sugar addiction and fast food is way too convenient.  In my opinion, a fast food restaurant on every corner is just as detrimental to American culture as a liquor on every corner in the hood.

Pretty Girl Traveling...

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08.12.11 - Run Report

Well, not at all a run, not even a walk, more like a stroll. Me and GiGi - 2.25miles - 48 minutes.

And considering that, at first, I had talked myself out of getting out at all, I won't complain about that.

But since I was going to have to take GiGi out anyway, I put on my Skechers and walked it out.

Yay me!!!


08.11.11 - MARTA Chronicles

Today on the train, there was a monk in orange robes, a gay guy with Little Orphan Annie red hair and a man pushing identical twins, identically dressed who looked like mini versions of him.
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On the train with a half dozen Silverbacks

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Pedicure! Lotion! STAT!

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A Forgotten Memory...

When I was 14, this chick that moved in across the street from my grandmother tried to fight me because her boyfriend gave me a ride home from school. 
She went to my grandmother and accused me of being "hot in the tail." 
It's the reason I ended up on the Pill at that age.  Never mind that I would not even attempt anything sexual with a boy for another two years.

08.11.11 - Run Report

Regular route – me, the man, the dog. 40mins.
We did way more walking than running. Most days, I'm way more concerned with it being a cardio workout than making time. But we walking today for two reasons, I usually only press all out when I'm coming up on a race. And…M. was sore from when our neighbor, Mr. B., had him outside doing yardwork for most of the day on Tuesday.

(I love me some Mr. B. He and his wife, Mrs. V are old enough to be our parents. And they basically have just adopted us. It's a really special feeling.)

08.11.11 - Confession

I really, really, really....really wanted a burger and fries for lunch.
(really big sigh here....)
I bought an Apple Pecan Chicken salad and a small chili instead.



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My Relationship and Outsiders

This is again one of those things where as I learned better and did better.

As I aged, matured, grew into my own person, starting caring less about others' opinions – not saying that some opinions don't have value - stopped trying to analyze my partner's every move, started communicating directly with my partner about our issues, ish in relationships got a heckuva lot easier.

Now, I share *some* of the good. Very, very, very little of the not so good. Other folks have longer memories about the bad in your relationship and have little stake in forgiving, repairing and moving past injuries or slights, real or imagined.

08.10.11 - Run, or actually No Run Report

No run for me this morning. I *had* to go to the grocery store. I was out of fresh fruit and vegetables. Fitness starts from the inside out.

I drove to work yesterday with the full intention of going on the way home. However, when I pulled in to the Kroger parking lot, there were way too many doggone cars in the parking lot. I didn't want to wear out the last nerve that I had left.  I just didn't want to deal with all them folk INSIDE the store. I just decided to come back when I knew I could beat the EBT card carrying and baby-hollering crowd.

Since I am on pace to meet my minutes/miles for the week, I do not feel at all bad about not running this morning.  Especially since it would have profited me little to get out and run this morning and head to the vending machine this afternoon because I didn't have my apple and banana for the day.

Shoes off...Feet up...

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Love on a train

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08.09.11 - Morning Run Report

Me, Mitch, GiGi - 2.25miles - 34 minutes.

It was a really slow start for me this morning. When I first start out running, the back of my calves scream loudly in protest. This morning, I almost couldn't push through.

But...I made it!


Early Morning Traveler...

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08.08.11 - Prayer Warrior

This week I am believing for:

M. to find the position that is exactly what he needs it to be in his job search.

That I make good eating decisions to get to my ideal body image.

That M and I continue to be financially blessed.

I am praying for this nation and its leaders.

I am speaking blessing into the lives of my friends and family.

All blessings I ask in Jesus' name.
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08.08.11 - Run Report

Me, Mitch, GiGi - Morning route - 2.25miles - 34minutes...give or take.

This morning, M. set the run pace. He *drug* me up a couple of hills and although I was hating it the whole time, I am so glad that he did.


Peanut Butter Bars Recipe - KMS

‎1 1/2 Quarts Peanut butter, 
2 boxes Conf sugar, 
2 lbs graham cracker crumbs, 1 tablespoon vanilla flavoring, 
2/3 cup melted butter, 
Mix first 4 ingreds together, then add butter as you need to makes this stick together like a ball, butter a dish put ingreds in dish pressing down firm pretty thick. Cut in squares then place in refrigerator. 

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We just put a diaper on a dog. Wow.......

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Brown rice with sauteed veggies and baked chicken
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08.05.11 - Run Report

Blog Run Report – Me, TheDude, GiGi – regular route – 41 minutes WALKED!

I am all psyched for the 5K tomorrow. There are gonna be some ladies from Black Girls Run – Atlanta out in full force! Wish I had my t-shirt already….
I had to drag my ass out of bed this morning and MAKE myself get out on the sidewalk.

I asked TheDude if he was going with me and he says, "Naw, I don't think I'ma go this morning." I responded, "Yeah, I know what you mean. I wasn't going either but I just decided just before I asked you the question that I needed to go ahead and get it in."

Four minutes later, he came down the stairs dressed to go.

I love how we motivate each other.  It is the best part of having someone really awesome in your life!



Afternoon Sleep...

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Toilet Lid Closed

I know some chicks get all riled up because their mets leave the toilet seat up.

I am actually one who prefers that the entire lid be closed. And I've asked M. to close the lid, but er um...yeah...that never happens, in fact, he leaves the seat up.

But whatever, I just close open lids as I pass by them. No worries....

The Paper Towel Bandit

I am trying to figure out how M. manages to use nearly a whole roll of paper towels in one day?

The Help

Until I saw the interview on GMA this morning, I had no interest in seeing another movie with oppressed Black women serving White women.  However, I am going to buy the book before the day is over and plan on checking out the movie when it hits Blu-Ray.

Inspired by the cast of Jersey Shore

I'm trying to get like the guys on Jersey Shore - not that I watch the show, there's just so much promotion on news magazine shows that I do watch - GTL.  Gym-Tan-Laundry.  Everyday.  That's where I'm trying to get with a few things in my daily routine...well, except for the tanning.  I just don't have a cool sounding acronym for mine right now.


Everyday I want to run.

Everyday I want to do some kind of work.

Everyday I will spend time with my family, my sweetie, most importantly.

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

Blessing to Mr. Obama on his birthday and every day.

08.04.11 - Run Report

Me, TheDude, GiGi – Regular Morning Route – 2.25 miles – 40minutes – Power Walk.

Taking it light today and tomorrow – I want to max out for the Atlanta's Finest 5K that my sister and I are running on Saturday morning.

I feel like sleeping on...

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I'm an abstainer.

My sweet tooth is still my Achilles heel.  And I have realized that I have to be an abstainer, not a moderator.  I have to stay away from it all together.  I'm not one of those folks who can get just a taste and be satisfied.  I'm an all or nothing kinda chick.

08.03.11 - Run/Walk Report

2.25miles – 45 minutes WALKED

M got out with me and is still in recovery from an injury.

He stumbled halfway down the stairs and twisted his ankle a couple of days ago….don't laugh…I mean…I did AFTER I knew his neck wasn't broken. And actually, I'm laughing now…I told him it seemed like he was falling for a long, long time…come to find out, he was trying to keep his balance while not spilling the cup of water he had in his hand…he was not successful at either.


The LOOONNNGGG Engagement...

While our ceremony will be very simple, relatively low cost and will be a bit of a departure from some standard traditions, we have some other plans coming up and some other priorities in place. (Interior painting at the house, some new furniture, a couple of trips planned)

We don't want the wedding to become the sole focus of our lives. We are way more concerned with the marriage than the wedding.

And although it's just one day, there are certain elements of the day that we feel are must haves that we are prepared to budget out and save for. We are pay for everything ourselves, paying for everything cash. And yes, we could have raided some accounts to do it sooner, but we decided it is best to push the date back to be reasonable.

Oh…and last, but certainly not least, this is the Friday before Labor Day. This will be three years to the Friday (but not the date) that we met.

The Date


August 31, 2012

The 31st day of the month of August in the 2012th year of our Lord.


Title Loans...Seriously?!?

I immediately lose respect for any celebrity that does a title loan commercial.
Vern Troyer
Dominique Wilkins
Come on, dudes.  Y'all know that mess is bad money management designed to keep folks trapped in poverty.

Second Catch of the Day

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MARTA Lullabies...

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08.01.11 - Run Report

Me and GiGi - 2.25 miles - 30:58 minutes.

M. didn't go with us this morning. He is still feeling the effects of his trip downstairs yesterday morning.

6:30 came way too quick this morning. But now that the run is over, I FEEL FABULOUS!!!


Sweet dreams...

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So, so, sleepy...

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Cycles of Life

I have a friendship that is changing...and at first, it kind of bothered me. But now, I realize, not so much.

This friend has expressed some resentment for the fact that I have not been as available on the phone and to hang out. She said something about "knowing how you are - when you meet someone you get all wrapped up in them."

I haven't bothered to point out that TheDude and I have been dating for two years. I saw no value in trying to make her understand that this has been a time of transition and upheaval in my life requiring focus and the need to adjust to a new normal. I didn't try to explain that if I don't make setting a firm foundation for my relationship a priority right now, it will cause problems in my marriage down the line.

I really don't get folks that don't understand that different stages of your life require different things. I no longer have an interest in trying to juggle EVERYthing. I have determined that there are a few things that I want to do well.

She tried to make me feel like my life was out of balance because I don't make time for chitchat on the phone every damn day anymore. Also, my money priorities have changed and I'm not running out for dinner and drinks and movies every weekend anymore.

I am okay with the choices that I am making concerning my life right now.

Too many relationships fail because the parties involved don't know how to make those relationships a priority. I don't have to be all things to all the people in my life.

I don't have the energy for all that.

And initially, I considered that it may be a question of friendship. However, the more that I think on it, I really believe that is a lack of understanding of the concept of "cleaving."

"M. is my best friend now. Not you. And I need you to be okay with that. Seriously."

08.01.11 - Run Report

Me and GiGi - 2.25 miles - 31 minutes.

M was going to run with us this morning, but he fell halfway down the stairs. So, I sent him back to bed because obviously his day was not starting off just right.

He took forever to fall down the stairs, all while trying not to spill the glass of water that was in his hand.

I told him that if there is a next time, he should just give up on the water. LOL


07.31.11 - Prayer Warrior

Marcus' job search
Willpower to stay on my eating plan
Financial blessings and miracles
Order our steps/grant us favor
Continued health and wellness
Hedge of protection
Bless and keep our families



Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamCoat

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Salon Wall Art

M's barber works out of a salon that has the coolest wall art.

Outdoor Gym at Washington Park

The park around the corner from my house has an "America at the Park" initiative going on and just received a $10K grant.  This outdoor strength training area is a part of what is being done with the money.
Pretty cool, actually...


Got my ONE ticket.  I told the clerk she needs to sell me a winner. 
If not, I would be back to see her.....
to but another ticket - obviously.  (lol)

07.29.11 - Run Report

Me and GiGi - 2.25miles - 31 minutes.

Such sweet sleep...

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No Workout This Morning

I got up and cleaned my downstairs instead. And actually, I talked my trainer buddy dude into giving me a workout session this evening. So, that worked out pretty well.

(all smiles...)

People will sleep ANYwhere!


And the Sleep Goes On....

Two for the Price of One...

07.27.11 - Breakfast

1/2 svg Oatmeal
1 tbsp sugar
2 slices turkey bacon
8 oz milk

07.27.11 - Run Report

Me, Mitch & GiGi - 2.25miles - 31minutes.


Had No Fruit....

Had no apples.
Had no bananas.
Had no oranges.
Had no grapefruit.

Had to make a trip to the grocery store before going to the office.

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Wish List Update - Workout Area in my Basement

Well, I guess it makes sense to maybe finish the basement first.  Although I could very well put an elliptical machine or a treadmill in my basement with a cd player down there now and really get it in.

Hello Sam - 07.26.11

It's been 37 days since I've seen you.


Dear Newsmaker - Amy Winehouse

As to the Winehouse of it all, I can't tell you a single song she sang, but I can tell you that her death was certainly no surprise because any time I've EVER heard her name, it was attached to drunken, drugged behavior. And quite frankly, Ms. Winehouse was committing suicide right before our eyes. And for most, it was little more than entertainment news, fodder for gossip.


Feelings hurt...

I'm sitting upstairs with my feelings hurt because M questioned me about why I breaded the fish before I baked it today.

"Him downstairs."
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Wish List Update - A GREAT Camera

Yeah...so, I fancy myself to have a pretty decent eye when it comes to photography.  I love a really nice camera to indulge my interest in photography.


Network Management

Just spent a few hours this morning, reviewing my contacts and updating my LinkedIn profile.  It's so important to know people.  However, it's just as important for them to know you.


My Fave After Work Spot on Friday.

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07.22.11 - Wish List

I would love to have a professional decorator plan the space in my house, the colors, the furniture, everything.  And as an added bonus, have a contractor come in and finish our basement in a way to maximize the space. 
(And if I could win a contest to it all at no cost to me....well, that would just be GRAND!!! lol)

Heard on SHMS

"Procrastination is a dream killer." Steve Harvey
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This could be SexyCool's kid! (lol)

This kid is JUST this cool.
LOVES this!!!

Me Sleepy Long Time

Aruba Trip - Memorial Day 2012

A friend and her husband would like for Mitch and I to go with them to Aruba on Memorial Day Weekend next year. I am naming and claiming it. I am planting seeds so that it comes to pass.

My six year old iPod has just about had it. But...it still works.

As long as I leave it sitting on the docking station and can still see around the screen blots, I will continue to use it.  (lol)

House Repair List

Crawl space - the repair to the porch area in the basement.
Light in Closet in MBR
Repair/Replace spotlight on rear right corner of house
Repair door to basement
Change mailbox
Pressure Wash
Closet Organizers - top two closets
Porch and deck sealed
Deck footing repaired
Living Room Rug
New living room furniture
Vacuum Cleaner 
Replace missing downspouts
Finish work around kitchen counter
Repair porch steps
Paint, Paint, Paint....

Ope is coming! Ope is coming!

I would love to win or be given two tickets (not by my sweetie) to hear Oprah speak when she comes to Atlanta on October 15th.  Since that is right before my birthday, it would be a really awesome gift!

Contrary to Popular Belief

Reading really is my number one activity when I'm on the train. The people watching and my "Sleepers" photo series is just bonus.

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Social Commentary

Can the collective few change the behavior of the masses? I used to think so. Now, I'm not quite so sure. However, I must still cling hope. For without at least a measure of hope, we will cease to exist as a people.
I used to think that perhaps a grass roots movement would return us to a state of consciousness that would instill drive and ambition and result in the calibration of our moral consciousness.

But so many movements are begun only to serve the needs of few and are often corrupted by those seeking personal gain. And the movement dies before a million men can return home on the buses in which they came.

I wanted to believe that we could hold ourselves to a code of behavior that signaled integrity and honor. That we would seek righteousness over instant gratification, wealth over riches. That we would not sell our souls for too few bills bearing the likeness of Benjamin.

Instead, among us are too many criminals, looking for fast money and a quick high. Our foundation has eroded, leaving us bare and vulnerable to outside forces that many possess neither the knowledge nor the desire to withstand. And we are crumbling.

Current Sweepstakes Chase

A few weeks ago, I was sitting at my desk looking at a reminder to check out online sweepstakes. I decided to find an online sweepstakes for an iPad. Less than 30 minutes later, I won one in an instant win giveaway from Splenda.

How about that?!?

At any rate, I'm currently focused on the following prizes:

Flat screen
Home makeover

And, well, yeah....of course CASH.

Cash IS king!!!!


A Homeless Project....Interesting

This chick gave away all of her belongings to become homeless.


That is interesting. To be intentionally homeless as a project? I'm sure that it she is capturing the essence of homelessness. But I would think that do it by choice and quite frankly, to seemingly not be bound to it and able to walk away from it at any moment, makes it a different experience altogether.

Asleep AND snoring...


I used to get excited about stars and the like. But then...I learned enough about life and human nature to know that the reality of it is that no matter how much a person is glamorized by the spotlight, they are still a human being with issues and faults and all.

I don’t fantasize about being with other people. I fantasize about living the best version of the life that I have now. And I *try* to consistently make decisions to move me down that path.

Workout Report - 07.19.11

Me and GiGi - 2.25miles - 31 minutes. I pushed a *little* harder this morning and shaved a few minutes off my time. Yay me!


07.14.11 - OSJ

Yesterday, M and I discussed what happened at the Sade concert. I appreciate how well he communicates with me.


I promised myself that I would start blogging again daily. Not that my life is overly exciting or that I have a whole lot going on right now.

I just want to be sure that I'm getting some of my thoughts down on a regular basis. I love the fact that I can blog via email. This means that I can write from just about anywhere. Right now, I am at the drive up window at the credit union. I had to come get a cashier's check for a new hire's fingerprinting fees. After that, I have to go and buy a birthday for July second shift birthdays.

Sa far today I have done really well with my eating. I could do with a snack right now but should be fine until I get back to the office shortly.

Still haven't gotten today's 20 minutes of sweating in...but the day isn't over. (I still have hope.)
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This is a test

I am trying something new and different. Let's hope it works.

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