
Toilet Lid Closed

I know some chicks get all riled up because their mets leave the toilet seat up.

I am actually one who prefers that the entire lid be closed. And I've asked M. to close the lid, but er um...yeah...that never happens, in fact, he leaves the seat up.

But whatever, I just close open lids as I pass by them. No worries....


25 Not So Sexy and Not So Cool Facts About the ATL Marathon 10 Miler

1.  I woke up at 409a - 21 minutes earlier than the alarm.  I decided to go ahead and get up because I knew I wasn't going back to sleep.  Plus, I needed to be up for enough time to drink some coffee and some water so that I could get some 'movement' before I left home.

2.  I have exactly ONE hooded sweatshirt.  I spent an hour looking for it this morning.  I did not find it.

3.  Biv was exactly on time to pick me up.  I'm glad I was ready.

4.  The walk over to Piedmont Park was a perfect warm-up. Don't know why so many people were complaining.

5.  The portapotty lines were not that bad.  The portapotties were.

6.  Biv and I had Step and L-Dub with us, in spirit, for the entire race.  However, I did give her a slight side eye when she started 'talking' to them going up that hill in Mile 5.

7.  The first seven miles of the race were not that bad.  Then we hit Peachtree Road and Cardiac Hill.  Cardiac Hill is some bullsht. But y'all knew that.

8.   There was this little blond chick having a ball with her race.  She *let* us pass her going up an incline over in Peachtree Hills.

9.  After Mile 8, Biv was still in great shape.  She was loving my interval plan. I was starting to fade. 

10.  I appreciate the couple that had the Halloween candy out.  Those M&M's gave me life.

11.  I vogued for a little while for the group on Peachtree just before the Deering Road turn.  (I was walking anyway.)

12.  The cop at the corner of Deering Road and Mecaslin Street made me laugh.  I needed that.  That was one helluva hill.

13.  The "Magic Mile" was not at all magic.  Somebody lied.

14.  Crossing the finish line made me happy.

15.  If anybody called my name at the finish line, I probably seemed like I was ignoring you.  I was.  I was focused on the words "Finish Line."  If I looked away, I might have died.

16.  I thought the medal volunteers would have put it around my neck.  They put it in my hand.

17.  The treat boxes were so much better than getting a treat or two in your hand as you go down the line.

18.  I like the Triple Peach medal best.

19.  Um, to the chick that *kept* taking pictures in front of the finishers' screen with her hubby - he was not as geeked as you were.

20.  My hands never did warm up.  Maybe I should have pulled out my hand warmer packet.

21.  I did not come in at the time goal that I set for myself.  But...it's okay.  I still got the same medal.

22.  I'm pretty sure I won my first name category.  (I will come back to confirm this when I know for sure.)

23.  I hate I missed seeing 2V's, but I'm glad I got to see ShaRUNda.  I kissed Taryn on the cheek at her volunteer station.  I don't remember seeing anyone else that I actually know from the run group.

24.  Somewhere along the course, I was pretty pissed at myself for paying for the Thanksgiving Half.  I'm sure that on Thanksgiving, I will be pissed for running it.  After that Half is done, I will retire from races over 10K.

25.  I'm one and done on this course.  Y'all can have it.


Fitness Goals For 06.14.13

Today's fitness goals:
1. Strength Cardio Mix Training
2. 100 oz of H2O
3. Eat clean
4. Record meals and exercise
5. Channel positive energy
#FitFineFabulous #Focused


Gratitude - 06.01.13

Today, I am grateful for:

1. Hometowns - stay connected to your roots.

2. My husband treating my wasp sting. #TwoBenadryls

3. The world turning...


Gratitude - 05.28.13

Today, I am grateful for:

1. Figuring out that going down one more exit on 20W means less traffic to get to my neighborhood.

2. A boss that totally has my back.

3. A leadership team that makes my job less stressful as their manager.


Why I Gained the Weight

I recently watched the episode of Iyanla's "Fix My Life" with the Pace Sisters.  I found in interesting that Iyanla alluded to the fact that the sisters were all overweight and had issues with food because of some hidden emotional trauma and that they were "wearing their pain."


At one point, I was sixty pounds overweight.  In 2007, I was able to successfully lose 50 pounds and keep it off for nearly two years.  In 2009, I met my husband.  I slowly moved away from most of my healthy habits.  My nights spent playing softball became evenings spent cuddling on the couch after cooking full meals and eating something sweet as a dessert.  My mornings spent walking/running a perfect three mile route or on the elliptical in my apartment complex's fitness center turned into sleeping in and making full breakfast meals before work nearly every morning.  And I gained back 20 pounds over the last four years.  Being that I have again return to a healthier lifestyle, I found Iyanla's observation gave me pause.


So, I have had this interesting relationship with weight loss and healthy living for the past several years.  Seeing this episode of FML, caused me to do something that I have not ever really done before – giving some thought to the questions of why/how I gained the weight in the first place.  And I have come to a conclusion. 


While Iyanla's fix for the Pace sisters may make sense for them, it makes no sense for me.  You see, I was not overweight growing up.  I was active in sports and raised by a grandmother whose lifestyle was active by its very nature.  We spent our summer mornings picking fresh beans and peas in the field and our afternoons canning the morning's work.  In the winter, we had a freezer full of food locally raised and our meals were not heavy on meat.  I was active in sports.


In fact, I didn't gain a lot of weight until I met and started dating someone who was overweight himself in my late 20's.  I was praised for my thickening thighs and ballooning behind.  I began shopping in Lane Bryant like they were designing clothes specifically for me.  I began telling myself, "I'm not a teenager anymore.  Why would I continue to have a teenager's body?"  I spiraled from an active healthy lifestyle into one that was sedentary and filled with calorie overindulgences.


Reality slapped me in the face one afternoon while I was out grocery shopping.  I kept looking behind me as I went down the aisles, trying to figure out who was following me.  Suddenly, I looked down only to realize that what was so uncomfortably tailing me in the grocery store was my own behind.


And I was done.  However, for almost two years, I made little to no progress in actually moving back to a healthy lifestyle or losing any weight.  It took some time for me to figure out what ultimately works for me.  I found the site SparkPeople in July 2007.  I was able to use the tools on the free site to learn about healthy eating and healthy lifestyle habits.  I lost forty pounds in about six months. 


During that time, I went through some changes in my personal life.  However, I did not regain the weight.  It was until I was "in love" again that my weight began to creep up.  So, no, I am not an emotional eater.  I am a lazy, undisciplined eater who is given to overindulging in fast food, cookies, cake and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and paying more attention to things/people outside of herself than is healthy for me.


What works for my healthy lifestyle is being active every single day.  It is paying attention to my eating habits.  It is meal planning and avoiding fast food restaurants.  It is turning down my favorite sweet tea and turning up water.  It is recognizing that there are indulgences that I will continue to allow myself but not going overboard.  It is being actively involved in and paying attention to my health on a daily basis.


Morehouse in the Rain

I sit here, huddled under a plastic poncho so thoughtfully provided after we passed the security checkpoint and collected our graduation programs.

I could be asking myself why I am here. I don't personally know a single soul that will receive a diploma today.

But I know why I am here. I am here to witness history. I am here to be reminded. I am here to be inspired.


Dear Newsmaker - Charles Ramsay

When it comes to the Charles Ramsay of it all, I sincerely hope that he does not become a hapless victim of the 24 hour news monster. Media scrutiny is a mthaphcka.

And unfortunately, from Mr. Ramsay's appearance, he has a past that he would prefer not be fodder for the endless newsreels.

Gratitude - Keys

Today, M got all the way over to his parents' house before realizing my keys were in his pocket. He brought them back to me before I even noticed them missing.


Cheat Coffee - Caffeine Junkie

I had a cheat coffee today. For a long time, I did not drink coffee. Then, because my husband used to work part time at Starbucks and is a CoffeeHead (Think coffee cup collector) and he makes a pot every day, I picked up the coffee habit.

And I really like my coffee with sugar and caramel flavored cream. The way I make it - it comes out to about 150 calories per cup. So, you can understand why with my weight loss goals, I've had to give it up.

However, I do allow myself a cheat coffee once a week. And only having one cup of coffee once a week, makes you look forward to it. #CaffeineJunkie


He Loves Me...

He really does love me.

He really paid attention in pre-marital counseling when it came to The Five Love Languages piece. I can tell how he makes a conscious effort to communicate with me in ways that speak to my "language."
He is extremely supportive of me and what I have going on, personally and at the office.
He is insistent upon regular date nights.
He likes holding my hand…and kissing me on my shoulders. (lol)
He is very thoughtful, slow and deliberate in his logic where I tend to make decisions and pass judgement a bit more quickly. He has the patience to consider more sides of a situation. He articulates his thoughts and feelings well. He is an excellent communicator.
We enjoy a lot of the same things. He makes me appreciate some of the bllsht that I've been through in the past – knowing that it was a path that I had to walk to bring me to a place that made me ready for this relationship.
I am safe with him, even in all of my flaws. He has made me more accepting of my own flaws and caused me to judge myself just a little bit less harshly. (Even though I am still one helluva self-critic.)
He laughs at my goofy, corny, unfunny jokes. He gets me. He is my best friend.


Starting the Day - 04.05.13

It's 425a as I type this.

This morning, I will run.
This afternoon, I will see my sister, La'Crese, for lunch.
This evening, I will see my friend, Illysia, for dinner.

At some point today, I will finally empty the suitcase from my trip to Dallas a month ago.

I am happy and grateful for bills that are being paid off and for God's supernatural blessings in my life.

Today, I am looking for a miracle!


04.04.13 - Gratitude Journal

On this day...

1.  I am grateful to have an opportunity to meet with PJ, our financial advisor, to get an update on where we are financially and start to consider options to get us closer to where we want to go.

2.  I am super grateful for automatic bill pay.

3.  I am happy that I know how to cook.


04.01.13 - Gratitude Journal

Today, I am so happy and grateful:

1.  To have dinner with a friend of a dear friend who has passed away but left me with the gift of this friend who brought with her another kindred spirit.

2.  To have an opportunity to reminisce on some of the toughest parts of my life and realize that His strength pulled me through.

3.  To know that I have experienced enough adversity in my life that I can truly say that I embody the spirit of "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."


Gratitude Journal - 03.27.13

Today, I am happy and grateful:

1. That I have the ability to run 5 miles in intervals in 65 minutes.

2. For healthcare coverage that allows me to address any physical issues as soon as they arise.

3. For being seen by Dr. Morgan at the urgent care clinic and his amazing care and patient explanation of my conjunctivitis.


Starting the day - 03.23.13

I woke up this morning without an alarm at 611a.  I thank God for waking me this morning, closed in my right mind...or at least I think it's the right one.  (lol)

I have already started on my first sixteen ounces of water for the day and in just a bit, after I take care of some online things, I am going to get downstairs to get on the elliptical for my workout.  Yay!

I know that, if I stay consistent, I can get to my goal - a flat stomach and a better self image when it comes to my body.


Gratitude Journal - 03.22.13

Today, I am grateful...

1. For Bisa recommending the MyFitnessPal app. I think it is going to be what I need to keep me on track with my eating.

2. Good friends to have lunch with. Always cool to see Nicole.

3. A lazy afternoon. I needed it.


Told ya' - this is my word for the year.

Not this damn 30 pounds again

Yes.  Again, I am talking about losing 30 pounds.

Four years ago, when I met Marcus, I was 10 pounds over my ideal weight.  And I was lying about losing that weight.

Here I am four years later and I am up 20 pounds.  Yet, somehow, I am still 25 pounds under my highest weight of 222.  Where the hell did I put another 25 pounds?  I mean really.

At any rate, I know that what you think about and thank about is what manifests in your life.

So, I'm going to go ahead and be grateful for this journey and I'm already excited about reaching my goal.

So, here's to 90 days straight of elliptical training and clean eating.

Half Mary #2

After another training lapse for my second half, I am beginning to think that the half is not my race distance.  When I am looking at the training program at the start, I always think, "Yeah. This is cool. I can do this. No problem."  However, in the midst of the training, the thought of running anything over a certain number of miles, without folks cheering me along and a medal at the end, is a tough sell to my psyche and my legs.  And just like the RNR NO last year, I didn't train past 8 miles.  And wouldn't you know it, the last five miles were tortuous for me. And again, I ended the race saying, "This is my last half mararhon ever."

Here I am four days later, thinking of how I could train differently, maybe with a group, in addition to training with just my husband who got bronchitis halfway through our training program.  If I had the alternative of also training with a group, I would still have other folks available to run with and that would keep me on track, when my main partner is out of commission. 

And I'm sure it would help to actually lose the three sacks of potatoes that I carry with me every single day and get down to a better running weight.

I can remember my first 5k, the week before my first 10k.  For a very long time after that, I would proudly proclaim, "I am the resident 5k lady."  Somewhere along the way, that changed to me being 'the resident 10k lady."

The day before the race, we were at our neighbors for a cookout.  M declared, at the cookout, that one day, we would complete a marathon.  I emphatically and categorically denied that I would be participating and insisted that I would be out along the course for support only.

But somewhere down inside, there is a little piece of me that says, "Who knows?  Maybe I can become 'the resident half marathon lady' and after that, we'll see."

But for right now, I'm going to stick with 10k races and I'm fine with that.


Gratitude Journal - 03.21.13

Today, I was grateful:

1.  For Day 4 of my 90 day self challenge to do 40 minutes a day on the elliptical.  I got it done.
2.  For friends who are willing to support me through my 30 pound weight loss journey.
3.  For my loving, sexy husband.


Gratitude Journal - 03.19.13

Today, I was grateful:

1. That I started the first day of a 90 Day Fitness Challenge.

2. For my husband being in a better mood today. He is dealing with some challenges that I am praying and supporting him through.

3. For FB friends that are fitness minded and who motivate me to do better, be better.


Gratitude Journal - 02.10.13

1. The ability to decide I wasn't going into the office today.

2. Leftover paint to finally finish the bathroom and to paint the bottom of the stairwell.

3. Ice cream sandwiches.


Gratitude Journal - 02.09.13

Today, I am grateful for:

1. The ability to decide that I want to make it a short work day.

2. The opportunity to speak positivity and encouragement into the life of an employee who is dealing with a major issue.

3. Lifetime's Black History Movie Month


Gratitude Journal - 02.08.13

Today, I am grateful for:

1. Having a friend who is a chiropractor or a chiropractor who is a friend. And just being able to really understand the importance of regular adjustments.

2. In-laws who I love and who like me. They are the coolest folks to be around.

3. Reading an article about skipping breakfast that just clicked for me.


Gratitude Journal - 02.07.13

Today, I am grateful for:

1. Wonderful friends. It was awesome to see Alicia and have lunch with her. She introduced me to a great new healthy eating spot.

2. Perfectly blended apple martinis. #TwoDrinkMaximum - Enough said.

3. A massage while being slightly tipsy from said martinis.


Gratitude Journal - 02.06.13

Today, I was grateful:

1.  That is was my Friday.  (I need a drank.)

2.  That my book idea is coming together nicely.  It's almost like it's being written for me.  I am being given the material that I need, more than I need in fact.  It's just a matter of putting it all together and removing what clutters the message.

3.  That GiGi barks when she believes folks are too close to our house.  (It just freaks me out a little when she does it when M is not home.)

I love holding his hand...

And now, we have sunshine...

Soup-er foggy this morning...


Gratitude Journal - 02.05.13

Today, I was grateful...

1. For my husband making it to New York safely on yesterday.
2. To be able to leave work on time.
3. To get a compliment on my driving skills in the Walmart parking lot.


Gratitude Journal - 01.31.13

Today, I was grateful:

1. For the gift card to Sweet Samba that my SIL bought for me. And the awesome massage Ray gave me.

2. For being treated to lunch by my good friend, Nicole.

3. To have a financial advisor that will drive to meet me and have an in the car planning meeting.


Gratitude Journal - 01.28.13

Today, I am grateful for:

1. Three of my employees in the last week telling me that I'm better than I was when we started.

2. My husband teasing me about "my" song.

3. My husband doing the Gator Dance in the middle of the living room....and then, doing it again just because I asked. (lmao)


Gratitude Journal - 01.23.13

Today, I was grateful:

1. That the Walmart in our neighborhood opened even though we chose not to stand in the cold an hour and a half longer than we were originally told it was opening.

2. That even though I twisted my ankle and it is now swollen, I didn't break it.

3. That today is my Friday. I need a few days off.

Rise Up!


Gratitude Journal - 01.22.13

Today, I am grateful...

1. To receive, not one, but two compliments on my appearance. The one that meant the most - the darling little girl at the exit of Publix who looked at me and said, "You look fantastic today!"

2. To hear from Cassandra in the computer room in F Concourse that she can see a big difference in how our company operates over TBI, that she can tell we value out employees.

3. That I have a husband who brings me both lime cake and red velvet cake because he can't remember which one i like best.


01.20.13 - Gratitude Journal

Today, I was grateful....

1. To be able to hear Joel Osteen's message on not letting anyone steal your joy.

2. To be able to work with a reasonable group of vendors who tipped fairly well.

3. To get a really friendly drive thru cashier at Wendy's who upsized M's spicy chicken nugget order at no charge.


Gratitude Journal - 01.18.13

Today, I am grateful for:

1. It being a sunny day so that M can get some mapping done.

2. P.J. going the extra mile to make sure that my 401k rollover gets processed quickly.

3. Being able to treat a friend to drinks and encouraging conversation.


Gratitude Journal - 01.17.13

Today, I was grateful for:
1. Learning that our company's name is used as an example of how to provide good customer service in the airport wide training class.

2. Having the opportunity to be serviced by such great ladies in the mammogram department at Southern Regional. (That mammogram hurt like a mug though. Picked the wrong week of the month for the titty squash.)

3. Movie Date Day at a theater with recliners that you can actually take naps in.

Date Day - Zero Dark Thirty



Prayer Journal - 01.08.13

God, I thank you for blessing me indeed and enlarging my territory. I am honored to be chosen to lead your people. I ask that you continue to give me a vision to lead these people.

Today, I am praying that God send a band of angels to be a hedge of protection around my husband as he travels back from New York. I am praying that he remain alert and that he does not encounter any undue hazards while he is driving.

I ask that You continue to heal my body and I am thankful that you put it in my husband's heart to insist that I see my physician. I ask that you bless Laura Deen as I know she was under a lot of stress. I am trusting that my next visit will be to the usual level I care that I have become accustomed to receiving.

I have more to petition, but this is sufficient for now.

All blessings I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

Sick Room Inmate


Prayer Journal - 01.06.13

Today, I am claiming healing from this head cold that I have been dealing with since Thursday evening.

I am asking that God strengthen my body and moisturize my nasal passages.

I am trusting and believing that God is giving me the strength to stay on my eating plan for today.

I am depending on God to help me be a better wife and a better manager at work.

I am staying focused on the goal of being free from debt by the end of this year, if not sooner.

We are believing for a lottery jackpot win.


First Date Night 2013

We met Rashon, Tina and some of their friends for drinks for Rashon's birthday. Rashon is *our* barber. <lol>