
mo money...mo problems...

nick has been there for me w/ no questions since we have been together...especially with the situation w/ my truck....

and...i have helped him out...a twenty a couple of times to get him to payday...and i let him borrow $100 to get two tires put on his car after we realized that wires were showing on two of those puppies...for me...it's been no big deal...it's just how you do when you are in a relationship...

he and i used to make around the same amount...at my new job...i make about $15,000 more than he does...and i think that is causing him problems...

last night...he tells me that he's become too dependent on me...i'm like "what are you talking about? dependent in what way?"...he's like..."you know, for money and shit."...i'm like..."what does that mean?"....he says that he just needs some time to work on himself and make sure that this (meaning us) is what he wants right now....

strangely...i'm okay with that...maybe b/c i have to be...but whatever...i'm okay with it...my life doesn't stop...i'll continue doing ME...maybe...i should look into reviving my rotation....