prevents piss poor true is this?...
and i know often when we make this statement it's work related...but think about can apply to just about everything u do...from the vacation u take in june to the wedding of ur dreams and really, to life in general.
You can hear people making statements like "I don't know how I found myself in this situation." or asking questions like "Why did this have to happen to me?" Most often, the answer can be found in examining the decisions that were made. It is an edict that is proven over and over again - your situation is a direct result of the choices that you have made.
When shit goes wrong in my life, I honestly cannot blame my momma or my environment of 'the Man'. I have to look to myself and take ownership of the mistakes that I make. I am the one that LET this happen.
Which brings me to my point... You CANNOT just let things happen in life. You have to take control of your decisions, your actions and in effect, your destiny. Yes, there are some things that I cannot change. I cannot change being black. I cannot change being a woman. I cannot change my past.
However, I can take control starting today. I can make conscious decisions that will lead me on a path towards satisfaction, success and happiness.
My personal mission statement:
to find happiness daily. to bring a smile to others. to let my light shine. to be consistently consistent in ALL things. to know joy.
Do you have a personal mission statement?
jillers...what kind of business are you starting?
this takes care of one of my mottos:
When given lemons, make lemondade.
I think we all need to give a HEARTY 'way to go!!' to
CSC for setttin this up.
Good Morning Everyone,
I must say that Cey - you are one sexy muva - WOW
This Str8 Shooter - props to CSC for setting this up. (i am feeling lazy to sign I gotta whole lot of work to catch up on)
Yeah, props to all who showed up @ WP on Friday. T'was a pleasure to meet you all. All the ladies were looking hot!!!! Cey helped me hold it for the guys...Ya'll very cool pple.
enigma...i thought you were coming out on friday...did i miss you?
god mornign jillers
and this is for all the Blogs Gone Wild 'models'
(if it happened on film...chuckle)
Don't worry, in 5- 10 years you can be ALL-American
and sue the producers for 'coercing' you to behave that way....Making fun of a particular lawsuit going on in
Tuscaloosa right now, or at least a settlement just reached. The anti-thesis of this topic/subject of
we have no one to blame but ourselves, that I FIRMLY believe.
forgot to mention that bitter stuff at the Methablog
clinic didn't taste very good....chuckle.
i don't blame you, that time...they were charging $20 to get in and it was NOT a $20 party...
in fact...i was kind of shitty about their set up in general...ALL of the seating upstairs is get VIP is a two bottle minimum...bottles start at $150 each...only non VIP seating were two small areas in the basement...
call me old...but i like to be able to sit and chill and enjoy the atmosphere, people watch and be able to sit down when i come off the dance floor...
the little place wasn't but that big anyway...however...i will HAVE to give props to the manager that took care of us when we first got there...made sure we were comfortable and offered us a drink on the house...
sorry i missed the WP met up
- Lerk
reserve your copy of the BGW dvd NOW...i take cash, money orders (who uses those?) and credit cards...reserve your copy for the low, low price of $19.95...the video is currently in post-production...a release date has not been set...
fucking corporate america...i swear...
karmar...i must have missed you on friday...too bad...
Ok, trying to get on but not taking any of my names so just saying morning to all...Happy blogging. By the way it is me SD...Whats up Miss CSC..
sd...mad luv, baybee...
sexy mofo...if somebody piss you off...what U gon' do?... u know it was me?
hi QS2, glad you didn't get too drunk friday night
(well, maybe I am, I was SO looking forward to the DVD though)
LMAO mofo...i was over here getting all hot and bothered...anticipating...
heard over the weekend...what's your sign?....slippery when wet...
Sorry I missed you guys at the Peach. Hope everyone had a great weekend. C77
yeah, like the SAVE THE DRAMA.
don't like to deal with bullshit and like to feel
I do not put it out as well.
mad luv to the wisest me if ya' need me.
i'm REALLY looking forward to football season....
cey...i just gotta comment on that fresh fade with the diving waves...i just HAD to put my hands on your head...
do you wear a wave cap?...j/k...
our cousin, slick willie, will be on the tonight show tomorrow night...
check him out...
this is from an email that one of my closest friends sent to me...he is in iraq...bush has our people over there and they are DYING....what the fucK?!?!?!?!?!?
"Anyway, I haven't been able to write because we were mortared, we lost 2 guys and half of our camp burned to the ground. So, I'll do my best to stay in contact, but it won't be easy since our internet and phone tent was one of the first to catch fire.
It was a really really bad week for us. We lost 4 guys and had 15 injured. Not to mention alot of people lost everything in the fire, weapons, ammo, clothes, and family pics.
Fortunately, they stopped the fire just as it reached my tent, literally. The tent next to mines burned to ashes and the heat from that tent melted the side of mines right where I sleep, but it didn't damage the
inside of the tent that much and none of my guys lost anything.
War is a terrible thing, when will we learn to find a better way to solve our disagreements.
Love your friend, Anthony."
bill clinton is slick willie...
@cey - nah, not me, i hate having my pic taken so would
but leery of taking someone else's, especially if they
but weren't you the one with the camcorder bag and the
producer?? chuckle
hey emotion, thought of you this morning, related to
fixing something at home that has been that way 7 years,
but after that other fix a month ago, went DUH, Why did not I think of took 2 (TWO!!) seconds on the other end of the house than the one before....
yep...dat was me...
fyi...i'm about to play with the format a if the appearance changes...don't freak out on me...
okay...i was trying to find a format that was reader friendly in a blander color...but none of that was working for me...
sorry about the pink...
i'm going to try a couple of other see if i can make the page look less like the bullshit web page that it is...
@emotion - major laugh of the day; Das a movie star..
emotion...trying to keep up with mia's blog...the TOS spot...and this one would be murder...
plus...i really don't want to compete with what mia has going on...
we'll see...ya' never know...but it's not too likely...
but as far as being more private...the link to this spot is on ajc...anybody can see it...i'm sure we have lurkers already...
and PLEASE don't ask me about access to the TOS's restricted to the current members and the concensus (sp?) is that no one else can join...
it is a password restricted site where you can't even see the posts without the password for the day...
not trying to exclude anyone...just telling ya' like it is...just think of us as the masons of the blog world with secret knocks and passwords and shit...yes, 2...i know masons are everywhere...whence came you?
still love y'all though...'s just hate, baby...shrug that shit off...they're just wishing you were in their shoes...
when i encounter that kind of bullshit...i tell them that i have a life...that there is way too much going on where i LIVE to be worried about running home all the damn time...where they are having the same lame ass conversations they were having when i left here 14 years ago after i graduated high school...
i limit my exposure to those at home who give me that kind of bullshit...
hayze...did i mention that they are intimidated by you?...and perceive you to have reached another level of success?...and that fucks with their low ass self esteem...
but their low self esteem ain't got shit to do with you...they should have made different life choices and they wouldn't be stuck in the country bitching...
i'm from the country...i know...
hayze...i have given the week's comments some's like a say in today's topic...prior planning...ya' know?...
is it hard filling in for mia? mean other than the fact that i'm not getting any work done?...
actually me...blogging is like carrying on a conversation and since i love to talk and i've got enough opinion for several just flows...
but i will consider a guest me if you have a topic and if we have time this week...i'll post you...
hayze...that's pretty close...we do have a mcdonald's in town...i can remember when they built was big news...and for the longest time...we only had a mickie dee's and a hardees...but now we've got wendy's and taco bell and waffle house...a few hotels out by the interstate and even a walmart...woo-hoo...wally world has put us on the map...
my graduating class was 136 people...i knew each of them personally...only had 522 students in the entire high school...
but it is still country with a capital K.....
okay...where in the boonies are you from?
Posting for Carrington:
Check this out. I can actually access the one week spot, can see the comments, but I can;t comment myself. Ish is killing me.
So tell the others that I said Hello, and that I am lurking, but can't get in on the conversation.
@LegalDiva - it was the Girls Gone Wild in Panama Beach
videos, kids go down and loosen up, seems a few were less than 18...chuckle....never stopped them from partying and being filmed, just when they got home and
several years later(and felt guilty), decided they need to sue for the fault of the producers....Lawsuit was in
for the record, I have never seen one of those vids.
not that I wouldn't but seems kinda ridiculous.
To quote from "A Child's Garden of Grass":
Seducing a drunken woman is as stimulating and as
satisfying as having a philosophical (sp?) argument with a dead goldfish.
i think i need to add that one as one of my mottos.
lord knows I have lived by it long enough. (Drunken woman/goldfish(
@hazyblu - that (where from) a prior blog topic at
ajc. i know alot are new now, so i'll just say
'been alot of places, done alot of things'. Live in AL.
@hazyblu - not sure of current status, there was news
just yesterday, that I did not catch (those 'news at 11'
blurbs) that implied if i owned or had rented one, would
get some change back... I do know ONE of the plantiffs dropped out of suit.
This is ESSENCE, yes, I am lazy also. Shout OUT to everyone I met on Friday night. enjoy meeting everyone. We got to do it again!!!!!!!!!!
Very good topic. CSC, I like the way you make me think about myself.
I will be lurk more today due to homework with school and Monday's over load
Bgrist, Hello, I was told we have something in common. Are U living in SC?..
Sorry, this is Essence
Wassup Essence....u got mail.
acknowledging everyone's's no big deal really...i'm just glad to read you and have you participate...
Bgrits, I am from cola and I love home but I can live their to work. Not enough jobs for ME.
One More Time before I hit the road
Cey - you are a sexy muva.
You single, looking, emotionally available, ready to deal with a real woman?
How can I be down?
Knew it wouldn't be long 'fore some of y'all hoes' true colors showed.....Cey, gon' break her off a lil sumthin then let the blog know bout it....
anonymous posting to cey...don't be a punk...if you gon' put it out there like that...put it out up front about yours....
who in the hell are you?
we could do a process of elimination...we KNOW who was there friday night...
But then again, since we know who showed up, won't be too hard to figure out which hoe just posted.....go 'head hoe, put up a sign sayin you wanna get slayed!
Cey, if your admirer doesn't post her name, you shouldn't give her ass any play...
@EMOTION: actually, believe it or not, I have been working for a few...chuckle.
why she gotta be a hoe?...i'm just saying...if you feeling him...don't be bashful about could have stepped to him off blog...since you put in online...put it all online...
y'all are some sexy ladies...cey is sexy w/ a hip hop kind of vibe going on...i was feelin' him...but hell...i can't be president of everydamnbody's fan club...ain't enough time in the day...
Why I got to be a Hoe?
I doubt you will be able to figure out who I am and it is not that serious anyway.
Cey knows who I am, at least I hope he does
royal...cey is not the one causing the friction...he ain't did shit...but you know it wouldn't be a regular day in blogland if there weren't some controversy somewhere...
yeah, since we can post anonymously, I will say.....some of y'all bout the stupidest mufuckas I ever encountered....some of y'all sound like reformed crackheads, some of y'all sound like hoes in disguise, and some of y'all just plain fuckin stupid.....
royal...don't hold back...fess up...if you know...we wanna know...
i vote for ignoring anonymous posts
Gosh, this is fun.
Royal, you can call me out if you like, I don't mind. I just want Cey to know if he's asking the answer is YES, emphatically.
they ain't gotta be hoes....however, if the shoe fits..why she ain't make her shit known Friday night then???? why she wait to post her business anonymously...
Hoes in disguise are easy to spot.....they "appear" as though they are so innocent, and got their shit together, yet, when time and opportunity presents itself, Hoes capitalize....but I ain't mad cha....hoes gotta get it too.
I'm Anonymous
I'm anonymous
see, what you all fail to realize, is the link to this site was posted on the Blog last week; so, now I don't have to "lurk" for a week, I can post and not be "seen".....
Now that Anonymous comment is not Cey's anonymous. I'm the OG Anonymous, let's not get it twisted.
Hayzeblu......just think, I can tell you to kiss my ass and not even worry about it....
First of all ... this is Perception is Reality ...PIR not Anonymous Anonymous
Ok... dang y'all ... I got word from the Fam that SHI* had started over here... I need to bookmark this spot for future reference ... Y'all are straight trippin' up in here ... but um ... I heard that CEY is a cutie ...and apparently the ladies are beautiful too.
Yeah, I heard ALL the ladies were beautiful, and I wasn't even there.(but I trust my sources)
like I said, I vote for IGNORING anonymous posters
that do not identify themselves.
Gosh, I come in here to pay a nice looking brotha a compliment and I get caught up in some mess.
You guys have scared cey away, now he'll never know.
i was offended by it...i hit delete immediately without a second thought...
alright CSC: the POWER of being the blog admin!!
did ya get that IP as well??? chuckle chuckle....
i can see anonymous(the nasty one) out there trying
to change the IP on the computer....GOOD LUCK
(i can be so so nasty sometimes)
I'm catching up on the BLOG... CEY is the MAN of the hour today!
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