in the words of pastor/rapper mason bethea....
welcome back...
welcome back...
welcome back...
and for those of you never left...thanks for coming again...
it's 6:00a.m. and i am sitting in my office at the computer wearing the red robe that matches the decor in my bedroom and a black bandana while sipping a zero calorie fruit-2-oh and trying to come alive and shake the sleep from my eyes...wondering what in DAHELL am i going to talk to you guys about this morning...but since i ramble so well...i figured that i would just close my eyes and type whatever conversations the little people in my head are having this morning...
so...i'm sitting here thinking about what i am going to do today...what i am going to do this i really going to finish my laundry this weekend?...or will monday morning find me with renewed resolve to do a load a day until it's done?...need to get my truck washed...i'm having lunch with someone i've come to know rather well...looking forward to that...NEED to get to church on sunday...and THAT DAMN DOG really needs to be taken to be groomed...
i'm also sitting here giving some thought to my life's family, my bills and my budget, the maintenance my truck needs and a few other things i'm juggling...
but...wait...that's ALL of those topics are way TOO heavy for a friday i am going to head all THAT off at the pass...thinking only happy thoughts...ESPECIALLY since as shug decrees that friday's are by damn we'll be happy day...
so...let's be really do control your attitude...
hey, emo...did i respond to your email?...let me go check...
i vote for the new guy friend...
emo...have only listened to it in the office and in the truck with my family last weekend...have not had a chance to REALLY hear it...plan on putting it on this weekend while i'm cleaning house and really HEARING it...i'll let you know next week what i'm thinking about it...
royal...LUV'DEDEDEDEDED doug yesterday...
still crazy about the blu skies!!!
ain't life grand?
just talked to him a couple of hours ago...he is loving being near his on the new with that...and missing me like crazy...
so...all is good...he's a great, great guy and i am smitten...
i'll be sure to tell him that you asked about him!!!
okay...i just read what i wrote and i am gushing like a pre-teen at a usher concert...
who knew?
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