
singing in the rain...

Sometimes, you go to church expecting a service or a sermon or a message, but what you receive is a word. And like michelle says, I heard a word and I wanted to share it with you.

It's my time for rain.

I have been like a wilted flower begging for a soothing gentle mist, a lost soul looking for the river in the desert, a withered crop needing a refreshing summer shower.

Just over the horizon, I can see the sun as it dips behind the gathering clouds and I have heard the forecast - 100% chance of rain

I am eager for the raindrops - ooooh the anticipation.

So, if you hear something strange outside your window. Go and pull up the shades. You are likely to see a lone figure...head thrown back...eyes wide shut...arms wide open.

And you might wonder, "Who is that crazy person?"

Don't worry. It's just me - laughing and dancing and singing in the rain.

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