Virgin Queen, I received your email and chose to respond in this manner:
Mostly, my comment on MIA's blog yesterday was in jest. You'd have to know me personally to understand my dry humor and razor sharp wit. (Okay, I'm laughing at my-damn-self here.) However, there IS a part of you that will NEVER be able to relate to most of the commentors on the blog.
Did you understand the MarcusDdixon reference? What are your feelings on the Marcus Dixon case?
I know that we have mentioned it briefly on the blog. I don't know if you have commented on it or not. Basically, your comment yesterday about it being crazy in the South was one that I know that you made humorously. However, I read it and was immediately taken to a place that only people who look like me can relate to - a South that you probably have no clue that it exists.
Trying to wrap this up here.
Basically, you seem like a fairly intelligent young woman. You have had some interesting life experiences. Given all that., there is one experience that you will never be able to have - what it's like to be Black in America. And in this particular case - the Marcus Dixon case - what it's like to be a young Black man in the South. And even more to the point - a young black man in Georgia. A state where so many of it's people absolutely re-fucking-fuse to get over the Civil War and strongly believe that the perceived heritage of the Rebel Flag is a valid reason for mocking an entire people. They don't understand that it is a symbol of hate - no different than the Swastikas on the flags of Hitler's Germany.
Anyway, back to Marcus - a young man poised for great success, but brought to his knees by a young lady probably not too much different from u.
imo...this young lady was intrigued by who md was...a good looking, popular, outgoing high school athlete w/ a very promising future...a man who represents 2 of the most popular trends in america today...the hip hop culture and the lifestyle of the athlete...she did not think past that...she did not consider the reaction of her parents if her actions were made known...she was caught up doing what she wanted to do when she wanted to do it...and with the point that she was discovered...she took a role that many like her have for decades before...and who was believed?...who's life was destroyed?..
vq...i could go on...but i don't know that i will ever make u understand the dichotomy of race relations in america...and how it seriously affects people who look like me when most of the time...people who look like u don't ever have to give it a second thought...
i said all of that to say that my comments were not a direct dig at u...but an observation about the state of america in general...and as i always say...when it comes to the blog...don't take this shit ain't that damned fact...i kind of like u...ur cool w/ me...u will just never understand my reality...