Improve tennis game
Get Paid to Teach Resume Writing Class and Interviewing Classes
Learn about the cemetery at Cleveland Ave Exit on I75 South
Be debt free except mortgage in three years or less
Own a complete set of designer luggage with a lifetime guarantee
Secure financing to market resume business as a full time venture
Have a monthly income of at least $5,000 from a residual income source
Own real estate as an investment
Invest in stock market monthly for the long term
Invest in mutual funds monthly for the long term
Build emergency fund to hold $10,000
Pay off mortgage for house on Post Oak Road in 7 years or less
Be a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show
Become a licensed real estate agent
Write a book
Become a millionaire with a net worth of at least $10mil
Maintain a good credit rating
Own a beauty salon and a barbershop as investment property
Develop invention idea
Own extensive music collection - mainly R&B
Own extensive movie collection - mostly Black movies and actors
Start a scholarship fund
Start a foundation - Cat's Kids
Stay in Great Physical Condition
Landscaping for front yard
Vacation trip quarterly
Own a vacation home or timeshare on the east coast