
what is love?

i've been coming into realization that i just don't fall in love like i used to...

i fall into like...i fall into lust...i fall into fondness...i fall into admiration...but i just haven't fallen in love...

so much so...that i have been trying to answer the question of what love means to ME...not society's definition...but my own...

because of that...i really believe that while i have been loved in my life...i have yet to really experience THAT love...

whatever THAT love happens to be...

and i've come to realize that i must be patient for it...because everything that sounds like love and looks like love and feels like love and smells like love...

is something else altogether...

and i am afraid that i may not recognize it at the encounter and that it just may pass me by....


DasKrait said...

yeah, you used to be able to say 'we will know it when we experience it' but it doesn't work out that way, does it. :(

Tazzee said...

I think you will know it when you encounter it. At least I hope I will.