
Grab Bag - $1.00

Since I have a hodge podge of thoughts rolling around in my head this morning, I'm dumping them all in a grab bag.

Feel free to donate the one dollar fee to your favorite charity.

Big Medicine - Turned to TLC during my cardio time on the elliptical. It motivated me to do an extra ten minutes.

Donny Osmond - Has a big head and it's starting to become shaped like Jay Leno's.

Night Time Grazing - my secret sin.

My scale - It's at the back of my closet calling my name, but I refuse to acknowledge it until Sunday morning at 800a.

I'm taking my grandmother out to eat tonight. She wants to go to Red Lobster on Camp Creek. So, first time ever I am going to check out the nutritional values on their menu so that I will know what I am going to order before I go. (Oh, that also means that I need to plan to be calorie light all day today.)

I am really sleepy and don't want to go work out this morning. I am attempting to motivate myself with some Johnny Cochran type rhymes (btw - I am with Denise Brown on Fred Goldman being hypocritical and money hungry when it comes to publishing that book.)

Back to the Johnny Cochran rhymes...

I'm fat, I'm fat. Working out is where it's at.

Until my jeans fit, I must not quit.

And I could think of about 20 others, but I really would just be trying to delay that which must be done.

Miracles and Blessings.


Tazzee said...

Not sure about you, but I'm a scale junky. I just vowed not to step on mine again until I get ready to go out of town Saturday. We'll see how that goes...

Mel said...

Miracles & Blessings

A friend of mine (who was murdered a year ago) used to end her blog entries with those exact same words...