
coming to terms...

i have finally come to terms with the fact that i am...at times...an @$$hole...

i am not always the shining example of goodness and light...i don't always make good decisions...and sometimes...i try to paint pretty pictures (insert lies, here) for others AND myself about the issues that i have in my life...

i finally realize that for as much as i would like to think that i am d@mn near perfect...i am not always a good daughter, sister, friend, lover, partner, employee, citizen, christian believer and so on...

i realize that from time to time...i do things that cause me to question my own beliefs and that sometimes challenge my own sense of integrity and defy my own definition of morality...

i can admit that i have insisted that others hold themselves to standards that i cannot always hold mySELF too and while being harshly criticial of others...i have given myself a wide berth...

there are decisions that i have made in my past that i am not proud of...things that i have done that were not *totally* lawful (and i'm not giving specifics)...

i have come to terms with the fact that every criticism is not a personal attack although i have taken often taken them as such...because...sometimes...it's hard to tell the difference...

i have come to terms with the fact that there is a lot that i have to come to terms with...


SoSadiStic said...

the first step to recovery is admiting that you really are an asshole. LOL

OpinionatedSOBinTN said...

Well SJEA since you visited me tonight, I felt I'd pop over and read awhile. I love it! I feel your pain... lol... I to am an admitted asshole. But someone must love it, they're reading us!

The Humanity Critic said...

Listen, I have come to terms with my asshole nature a while ago. Don't sweat it.. Good post.

Anonymous said...

wow, i love your honesty... pretty hard to come by these days.

i think that everybody must come to realize that they're an asshole before they can start becoming something much more pleasant... otherwise we all just remain a bunch of stinkers... hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Hummmmmmm, WOW Interesting statement..Well from what I know about U is that ...U R Funn lovin',kind,trustworthy,down-to-Earth..a Kool sista'...And "NO" UR Not stupid..Not at all...Just do U ..continue to do what makes U Happy..we all desreve that...

Mia said...

Thanks so much for stopping by the blog. I appreciate the love! I will be looking around here as well.