
new year's resolution....

it's my berf'day...and for me...it's a new year...

i woke up this morning...thinking...wow, i'm 33...that's how old jesus was when he died..and whereas i my life looks nothing like i want it to right now...i am very much excited by the possibilities and fortunate enough and blessed enough to have a clean slate...in other words...i haven't made many mistakes that i can't come back from...

i am really grateful to god that i am in good health...

i am damned glad that i don't have kids...i admire those who are single parents and who are getting it done...i'm just relieved that i don't have that responsibility to carry...

i don't have MAJOR debt...some debt, yes...but nothing major...no student loans...no hospital bills or anything like that...

i have a relatively low cost of living...although... i am still living very much check to check...i can pay all of my bills...thanks to the cost of gas...i don't have any money left...but hey...the bills are paid...i have food to eat...and gas to get back and forth to work...and with the part time jobs that i am working...i am beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel...hey...before too long...i'll be able to start back paying tazzee that money i owe her...

my truck is in good condition...yes...there are a few minor things that need attention...and that i will be giving attention to before they become major...but...for now...it's getting me from point a to point b...and i can see the light at the end of the tunnel...

i am especially grateful that my mom is a licensed cosmetologist and that my aunt is one hell of a braid artist (as she calls herself)...they keep my do done without me having to spend that $45 to $50 a week that i used to give tracy ER' week to do my hair...but then again...i was making $60G at the time...(and don't even get me started on all the money i used to throw away back then...that's a whole nother blog and a whole nother oprah)...

and i could go on with more things that i am grateful / thankful / appreciative / relieved about / glad for and so on...

right now...my number one resolution for my life is to enjoy it...daily...

funny...in ways i think of myself as at exactly the same point that i was when i came out of high school...with my entire life ahead of me and with endless possibilities...

and there's more here...i'll get back to it...


Black Wombmyn Chat said...

Happy birthday!!!!!

Icey said...

Happy bday lady! I will be a callin you soon!

Genesis said...

happy boyfday!

Serenity3-0 said...

I'm just reading this, but I hope you had a great day. And I love the positive spin you have on your life right now. Glad to see you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.