
first thoat chop...

thoat chop to the drive thru chick at mcdonalds in hapeville this morning...for not telling me when i placed my order that they were out of mcgriddles...no...she just HAD to let me sit for five minutes behind three cars and wait UNTIL I GET TO THE WINDOW to pay to tell me that they didn't have no d@mn mcgriddles...

and you know...i'm not ticked because they were out of mcgriddles...i promise...i could have done without the calories anyway...i'm actually not even THAT ticked because she WAITED TO TELL ME...

what kills me about the whole d@mn thing...there wasn't a blasted thing i could do about it...what could i say?...




Icey said...

Those McGriddles must be crack laced...that is all I hear peopel talking about! Must try one

SexyCool said...

icey...that MUST be it...i'ma place an anonymous call to them alphabet boys to report suspicious drug activity with those crack laced mcgriddles...

i've had to restrict myself to going to mcdonald's only one morning a week to get my mcgriddle fix...it's a part of my 12-step program.... ;-)

KaNisa said...

McGriddle are really good! And filling...and...hmmm...*sets alarm to get one tomorrow morning*

ThatGirlTam said...

HAHAHAHA...As much as I love McGriddles...they give me gas! HAHHAHAHAH! Sorry...I know, TMI!