
June 1, 2009

A life lesson that I have learned over and over AND over again, but am finally taking to heart is this:

Every day, you must take a step, no matter how small, towards your goals in life.

This statement, of course, makes the assumption that you have decided what your goals in life are, have determined what steps you must take to reach those goals and that you have outlined a plan for executing those steps.

I have determined that my purpose in life is to encourage others. I enjoy the feeling that I get when offering encouragement and guidance to those who come to me, those whose paths I cross and just about anybody else in general. I want to make this world a better place, one smile, one encounter, one conversation and one day at time.

There is no way that I could begin to attempt to set goals that do not line up with my purpose. In my opinion, it is self defeating.

My purpose in life is tied into my bliss. Logic tells me that if I set life goals that are linked to my purpose on earth, I will live a life full of joy and blessed with bliss.

So - this blog is designed to take you along on my journey of bliss, enable you along your way and encourage towards your success in life by urging you to take action today.

I invite you along for the ride. But I must warn you, buckle up, hold on tight. It's going to be one helluva ride.

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