

It's another day that The Lord has kept me.


Old Reliables

Thank God that they are paid for and run well.

Goal Setting - Weight

By February 28, 2013, I will weigh 165 pounds.

The Great Twinkie Panic of 2012


Write the vision...

I pulled this out of a drawer this morning.  I had forgotten all about it.

"On 11 Jan 09, I date once a week (only) and do not accept invitations to come over or agree to men dropping by as a first date.

My husband is taller than me by at least three inches.

My husband has no children.

My husband is financially stable, makes responsible money decisions, is open about his finances and generous with me when it comes to money.

My husband works out regularly, is in good shape and enjoys good health.

My husband can transition from the board room to the back room.

My husband is respectful of me and supports my decisions without being a doormat. He can debate me without anger and lightheartedly.

My husband accepts my friendships, male and female.

My husband is romantic and affectionate.

My husband loves touching me and being touched.

My husband is a great kisser and an amazing, considerate lover.

My husband is a man of character and integrity.

My husband understands partnership and what it means to be in a committed, faithful relationship.

My husband has a personal relationship with God."

About eight months after I wrote this, the man that I called into my life came. I did not write this list as a list of absolutes, but as a basic guideline for the man that I wanted in my life. (You see where I had crossed the requirement about kids out. God threw that in anyway.)

There is just ONE requirement in my list that M does not meet. The height thing - but the was so superficial that it really did not count anyway.

I thank God for realizing the power in writing the vision.

I've got some other things I need to be writing about.

Dropping Thirty Pounds

1. I am dropping thirty pounds.
2. I am dropping thirty pounds.
3. I am dropping thirty pounds.
4. I am dropping thirty pounds.
5. I am dropping thirty pounds.
6. I am dropping thirty pounds.
7. I am dropping thirty pounds.
8. I am dropping thirty pounds.
9. I am dropping thirty pounds.
10. I am dropping thirty pounds.
11. I am dropping thirty pounds.
12. I am dropping thirty pounds.
13. I am dropping thirty pounds.
14. I am dropping thirty pounds.
15. I am dropping thirty pounds.
16. I am dropping thirty pounds.
17. I am dropping thirty pounds.
18. I am dropping thirty pounds.
19. I am dropping thirty pounds.
20. I am dropping thirty pounds.
21. I am dropping thirty pounds.
22. I am dropping thirty pounds.
23. I am dropping thirty pounds.
24. I am dropping thirty pounds.
25. I am dropping thirty pounds.
26. I am dropping thirty pounds.
27. I am dropping thirty pounds.
28. I am dropping thirty pounds.
29. I am dropping thirty pounds.
30. I am dropping thirty pounds.

Typed out once for every pound.


Dear Newsmaker - Petraeus

Did David Petraeus betray us?  Or did he only betray Holly?  (Who is very much in need of a makeover by the way)

Most often, I don't believe a public figure should step down because of an adulterous affair.  However, if the head of the CIA cannot keep his own secrets, well....


Magic Gloves

I love these gloves.  I have several pairs of them.  They are my favorites.  I usually wear them while running or walking the dog.  They are just easy to wear, easy to store and not only that, they are expensive.
This morning, GiGi and I were coming back from the park and we passed by the bus stop.  There is a little boy that we see from time to time.  Every single time he sees me and and GiGi, he asks what kind of dog she is and does she bite. 
As usual, he called out, "What kind of dog is that?  Is it a girl or a boy?"
My response, "She's a girl."
Then, as expected, he followed up with, "Does she bite?"
Me, "No sir."
Him, "Oh. Okay."
It happened to be around 40 degrees this morning. The little boy had on a sweatshirt and you could clearly tell that he had his hands pulled up into the sleeves to keep his hands warm.  I asked him if he had any gloves and he said no. 
At that point, I gave him my favorite gloves.  As one who is miserable when my hands are called, I didn't mind at all.  Besides, I have a few more pairs.  I won't miss those one bit.


Four More Years

My candidate was victorious.


Welfare Divorce

I was just listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. He read a letter about a couple who "has to divorce because their combined incomes make them ineligible for aid to cover the costs of her medical condition."

I feel some kind of way about that. It is not a good feeling.


Snack #1 - 11.04.12

Chex Mix - 210 Calories

Lunch - 11.04.12

Wendy's Bacon Portabella Melt
Value Fries

Breakfast - 11.04.12

Veggie Scramble
2/3 slice of Bacon
Cup of Coffee

Not my best scramble. I believe the heat was too high. I have to pay attention to that going forward.

Date Night

We saw Flight at Atlantic Station, after drinks at Yard House.

The movie was riveting. I couldn't take my eyes away from the screen. I kept wanting to like Denzel's character, but he kept doing things that made him not likable.

And as much as I appreciate happy endings, I'm glad this didn't end all neat.


I am a Georgia Voter

Today, I stood up and was counted in honor of those who fought and died that I might have this right.


The Mitchell's are voting...

Dear Newsmaker - Crying Abby

Dear Abby's Parents',

You do realize that you have overexposed your kid to an adult issue, right?!?

I'm all for a civics lesson. But there is such a thing as overkill.

Give that child back her Elmo DVDs.

Trick, Right?!?

This was posted on my FB timeline:

"With Halloween upon us, please keep in mind, a lot of little people will be visiting your home. Be accepting. The child who is grabbing more than one piece of candy may have poor fine motor skills. The child who takes forever to pick out one piece of candy may have motor planning issues. The child who does not say Trick or Treat, or thank you may be non verbal. The child who looks disappointed when they see your bowl might have an allergy. The child who isn't wearing a costume at all might have a sensory issue (SPD) a sensory issue, or Autism. Be kind. Be patient. It's everyone's Halloween! ♥ (reposted)"

Um, lady...you do realize you're bringing your kid to MY house and I don't know you or your kid. All I have is the typical expectation of what I believe polite behavior to be. 

So, am I now to assume that every rude kid has a disability? Really?!?