
190.4...a new number...

six months ago...

i said this

and promised you that in 6 months...i would tell you what it meant....

well...that was my weight on january 9, 2006...and was VERY unhappy about it...and it was starting to effect my health...my breathing was becoming difficult when lying down, my digestive tract was off and i didn't sleep through the night....

well...here we are 31.4 pounds lighter...and i am really feeling much, much better...

i am no longer having any respiratory or digestive issues and i now easily sleep through the night...and my speed around the softball diamond has increased...not to mention...i have fewer shin splints...and no longer worry with knee or back pain...

the weight loss doctor that i am working with wants me to get down to 170...she says that 170 is a good weight for my 5'10" height and will give me a normal bmi...

although...i'm actually feeling like i want to stop at 180...i will decide as i am nearing those numbers...

because i don't want to be a skinny b!tch...

plus...don't nothin' but a dog want a bone...


sj-the-infamous said...

oh wow!

That's GOOD news, sis! Funny enough as I was driving down the hill into my community I thought to myself, I need to be amongst these skinny bitches out running, or at least walking when I get home in the evenings. It'll definitely help me unwind....and any poundage lost is ALWAYS a good thing!

Thanks for being and inspiration chica :)

sj-the-infamous said...

That's AN inspiration...

If I could type, huh? LOL

Tazzee said...

Like I told you at the frat house, you have inspired me. I'm totally into my plan yet, but I'm reading and praying on it daily and hopefully I'll have everything I need to start Sunday. I chose Sunday because I am actually going to go to the altar for prayer at church concerning this and my spiritually cocky behind never goes to the altar for prayer

But I am serious about this.

Tazzee said...

Oh and you are one month early with the explanation, but I'm proud of what you've accomplished in these 5 months.

DasKrait said...

wow, I missed this one.

31 pounds plus. WOW. and congrats.

Icey said...

Weight loss...you be on it!!!
Congrats, I am so proud of you!