
you oughta be in pictures...

my girlfriend is bald...yep...bald...or...actually...she has a high and tight...i know...cause i shaved her myself...

and now...my girlfriend feels like tony the tiger....


and THAT is big news....

my girlfriend ain't been bald since the first moment a bit of peach fuzz began appearing on her triangly little head around about the age of 12...

now...one time...i did perm the hairs of the girlfriend...not that she needed it...cause i got good hair on my girlfriend....(you know i got indian in my family)....that's right...no taco meat here...

the perming of the hairs of the girlfriend were a result of total boredom one saturday night...too much time on my hands and a bit of left over dark and lovely...

i came away with a snatch that looked like it had just stuck it's clit in a socket...bad move...but...the hairs of the girlfriend did lay down really well coming out the shower...and were long enough to cornrow...well...maybe if i added a little bit of b35 weave...needless to say...the hairs of the girlfriend were trimmed to a respectable length immediately...

shortly afterwards....i purchased a mustache trimmer... (this was before i knew they sold mini women's shavers) and that is what i have been using to keep the hairs of the girlfriend in check...

well...recently...it was gently suggested to me that perhaps if the girlfriend were hairless, it would make a certain activity more enjoyable for a certain someone...

and here again...one night shortly thereafter....and as the result of total boredom...too much dayum time on my hands and a brand new shick lady razor that i bought ONLY because it comes with this neat little hook with a suction cup that hangs it on the wall of that shower...

i take the beautiful new razor out of its wrappings...step in the shower and commence to lathering up the girlfriend...

a short time later...after some creative bending, stretching, reaching and perching of my feet in some unusual places...i am left with an almost completely hairless girlfriend...i left the triangle be...just a close trim with the electric trimmer...

and i am amazed...the girlfriend not only looks great...but feels even better....

who knew the girlfriend's skin was so smooth?...it actually debunks the cliche as soft as a baby's bottom...i now know that a baby's bottom is so smooth only because it ain't got no hair on it...so...from this point on...i will know announce the cliche as...

as soft as a hairless girlfriend...

lo and behold...behold and lo...i am now even more in love with my girlfriend...i was in love with her already before...i mean she gives me such great pleasure...how could i not be?....but since she went hairless...that whole self love thing is like a new experience everytime...and the new feelings that i am experiencing when i.....
okay, wait...overshare...i'm blushing here and i'm oh...wait...mini spasms in memory...let me step away for a moment...

okay...back...where was i?...oh...the...er...um...new feelings...okay....enough about that...

unexpected result....the girlfriend is really quite beautiful...looks like something out of one of THOSE magazines...

she oughta' be in pictures...

1 comment:

DasKrait said...

so you posting pics? "outta be in pictures" LOL

supposedly it increases 'sensitivity' or so I have been told.

and yes, it took me awhile(to figure it out)