
Twenty Pounds

"I'm FAT." (Said like Adel Givens in Queens of Comedy)

Well, I'm not really that damned fat. And most people tell me that I don't look like I need to lose weight. (Stop being nice - I can see my fat ass tummies that I'm trying to cover up with loose fitting summer tops.) And when I tell them that I weigh nearly 200 pounds they say I must be lying (Trust - if I was going to lie about my weight, I would say that I weigh 145.)

I'm 5'10" tall and I weigh 197 pounds. Sometimes, I console myself that there are really fat people in the world who would KILL to lose weight to the size that I am now and think that they are every bit as fine as beyonce, halle, and jlo all rolled into one.

I actually like MOST of my body. I'm just carrying about twenty pounds that gives me two tummies and screw up my whole body image.

Twenty pounds that keep me from wearing the cute little summer styles that I want to wear. Twenty pounds that keep me from being able to comfortably shop in The Limited and Gap and Banana Republic (and have the clothes fit they way I want them to). But that have me about twenty pounds too small for me to shop in Lane Bryant and Ashley Stewart (and have the clothes fit properly). Twenty pounds that convince me that I am NOT as fine as beyonce, halle and jlo all rolled into one.

So, I'm doing something about it. I'm on my fourth straight day of morning walks. I've been walking about 2.5 miles in the morning. Sunday morning, I upped it to about four miles and then Sunday evening, I convinced my mom and two of my sisters to walk another three miles.

After the workouts, I do at least 30 crunches and 30 double leg lifts.

During the day when I'm sitting at work, I do chair workouts. Mostly arm raises and curls when an upbeat song that I really like comes on the radio. I'm doing ab squeezes and of course kegels (but those ain't got nothing to do with my weight).

I'm about to start walking in the evenings as well - just as the sun is setting - when you can at least breathe outside. (It's been so hot in Atlanta lately, Lucifer was at Five Points trading bottled water for souls, saw Jesus at Centennial playing in the water fountain and God himself was at Piedmont in a short set and some Blublockers.)

When I'm at home, I'm making it a point to do something physical while I'm watching television or talking on the phone. Like single and double leg lifts and more crunches.

And I'm okay with all of the activity. But the truth be told, if my money was right, I would just have the lipo that I got the consult for last year. Because really, I just want a flat tummy. I'll keep everything else.

But since I can lose twenty pounds for free, I'll try that first. I'll check back in to let you know how I'm doing and since I can't remember what my body looks like at 180, I'll let you know if I find it to be an acceptable body image.


Kim Plaintive said...

Three words: Eight Minute Abs! It's a fun DVD, you should try it. I used to do it every day when I was more motivated.

Icey said...

lol...girl you are a nut! But I feel you on allofdat! All I want is to get rid of the gut...casue I loves the T&A!!! You will do it girl!! Keep up the exercise routine!

Black Wombmyn Chat said...

Midlife Crisis is rooting for you over here in Ohio. My greatest asset has always been my ass--I have been known to slay dragons and fell the evil in a thong... And now, it's not loooking so good. Three words: cell-u-lite.

Tazzee said...

Twenty pounds? You're fortunate that's all you have to lose - let's just say I'm doing mine in increments, after the first 10 I'll start working on the next 10.

Serenity3-0 said...

Glad to see you are motivated. Keep us up to date on your progress. And find a workout partner b/c they help to motivate you.