
Lane Bryant Boycott

I must say it.


Or more to the point, I hate the thought that I can actually fit some of the clothes that they make.

It all started when I was in Lerner - the store that is within in my price point for clothes shopping, but that I really don't like that much because the quality of their clothes are only acceptable at best.

At any rate - I was in Lerner and some time after my last shopping trip, their extra larges had been replaced by a size that I generously refer to as extra medium. Everything that I tried on hugged my 'bad area'.

In other words, held onto my two bellies and made me look like I was about three months into carrying twins - one above my belly button and one below. (Yes, I have the infamous belly crease - which I plan on devoting an entire post to at a later date.)

I can't even begin to describe the horror of the infamous 'mushroom top' when trying to fit into a pair of their jeans. I was forced to abandon the New York store and head to other 'pastures'. (And I do intentionally say pastures because at that particular moment, I felt like a cow.)

At Lane's, I was able to find blouses with enough material in them to hide the belly rolls. However, their jeans are cut in a way that just makes me look bad-bodied.

I mean - I know I had this two stomach thing going on, but the fit of Lane Bryant jeans just wiped away any resemblence of a figure - so I refuse to buy them.

With my commitment to better lifestyle and eating choices, I am bound and determined never to go into a Lane Bryant store to shop for myself again.

Ditto for Ashley Stewart.


Tazzee said...

OMG!!! you too? LOL. OK, I don't buy jeans from LB because they don't fit like jeans should (someone in O mag said jeans are the only girdle you can wear on the outside) - but I do buy my work slacks from there. And more importantly I like to buy my shirts there because they cover the 'mushroom top' (never heard that term before, I will be using it).

Anyway - I can't totally boycott LB because of the coupons, so I mainly buy my underwear there - just bought some bras and panties today.

Anonymous said...

Should I say: OMG!!! you (have being harass for sharing your opinion) too?

I went to the Lane Bryant Page (like many others) to give my opinion about the poster / picture from the stores and catalog...it would be so easy if we just give our opinion and go!...but you find this group of women attacking, insulting and harassing on behalf of the company, the worst thing is that YOU MODERATOR allows it!... as it shows in this post:

(other post and pics of THREATS are posted in my page, you are welcome to come to my page and see for yourselves). https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001792455523&sk=wall

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

It is a problem when marketing sexualized woman 'to make a point' it becomes very normal in society...Do they always have to show women as sexual objects to sell anything? The sad thing is that Women (?) are defending the roots of Violence againts themselves!

A good friend wrote the following:

"It is degrading when I see half naked women and men promoting something you wear ( like 'abercrombie' / 'axe' deodorant) ...or something you eat (like carls Jr)….or even an amazing message about the beauty of woman (the mermaid and the whale).

Campaign's like PETA 'I’d rather go naked than wear fur' ...Cancer Awareness (Bracelets, T-shirts and stickers asking everyone to “Save the Tatas,” “Save Second Base,” and “Save the Boobies.” to name a few) this campaigns don’t make you think about the horrors of cancer or animal cruelty...they only sexualize women under the guise of raising money for a good cause."


Unknown said...

I have been employed by Lane Bryant twice... an both times I can easily say it is the worst job I have ever had.... credit cards, credit cards, credit cards that's all they care about us doing is pushing their credit card..... they tell us to bring up the card at least 3 times per customer.... and it hurts our chances of any kind of promotion and likely being fired if you don't keep up with the quota they want you to get of credit card sign ups.... oh and if you do get a customer to attempt to sign up for one and are denied... well you get no credit for what would of been a sign up except for the completely out of your control factor that they were denied a card... Thankfully for me I lost weight and am to small to fit into their clothes so I no longer have any reason whatsoever to step into one of those overly priced rip off of a clothing store again... I hope they go out of business... I really do...