
Time to Make the Donuts

I remember the Dun.kin Donuts commercial where the guy would pull himself out of bed, half asleep, totally dragging, head to work and all the while motivating himself with the chant, "Time to make the donuts."

It was made circa 19-seventy-something-or-or-was-it-early-80s-when-I-was-a-kid.

Well, that's how I feel most mornings when it's time to get up and head to the fitness center so that I can meet my personal August challenge of cardio everyday.

When I get done, I feel like I can take over the world. But - before I get started, I feel like I have ten tons of lead in my drawers.

So, I'm sitting here with ten tons of lead in my drawers and I'm typing this entry to motivate myself. Is it working? Probably not so much, but here I am, still half asleep, going to log off and drag my rear up to the fitness center and make the donuts.

BTW - making donuts is so not a good metaphor for a weight loss lifestyle change..but for me...in this case...it works...lol!!!

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