
f*ck you...

Is it that I am non-confrontational?

Or perhaps I possess the manners that I was raised with?

Could it be that I am wuss?

Or maybe I really just don't care that much?

Whatever the case may be, today, someone really made me want to walk up to them and say, "F*CK YOU!!!" while giving them repeated middle finger an inch away from their nose.

As it stands, I am probably all of the above - an indifferent, mannerable, peace loving weakling. However, I really don't possess the energy or the motivation to determine which it actually is.

Instead, I emphatically thrust my middle finger in the air and with much enthusiasm, I issue a big fat cyber F*CK YOU!!!

Now - I feel better.


Black Wombmyn Chat said...

"...indifferent, mannerable, peace loving weakling."

You are not a weakling, Dahlink. First of all, you are an evolved soul who has simply learned the lesson that 75% of the souls on this planet have yet to learn: That we are not here to fight each other.
You simply are unable, by virtue of your evolution, to go that low with another human being--even if they do so to you without a second thought.

If you feel that you suffer from low self esteem and allow others to infringe on you and disrespect you, then that is something you will work out within yourself.

IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY ('cause really I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, now do I?)Eventually, you will develop the methods to treat people according to your morals but at the same time keep them from infringing on your shit.

But never beat yourself up for not being able to be an animal. We did not come here to be animals.

Kim Plaintive said...

This blog is my new favorite cyber-reality show.

Sorry you're going through drama...keep your head up!

The Quintessential Negro said...

That's how you gotta treat those fools!