
love and unity

Love calls my name from every corner
Of your mind, speaking in hushed
Volumes and with whispered words of affection.

Each time I am away from you, I count the minutes
And the hours and leaf through our memories in my mind.

Never imagining an existence without you.

Delighting in the strength of this
Union and comforted by the security in your arms.

Needing nothing more than to have you in my life forever.

I am made new each time our eyes meet for our spirits touch.

Truth is…I carry you in my thoughts constantly and
You are never far from me.


Bullet Proof Diva said...

this is lovely!

Black Wombmyn Chat said...

So this is Love, huh? Cool.

Black Wombmyn Chat said...

Look, sJea, I know a chick is in love and all that--but Midlife is bloghoppin and she demands quality reading pronto!

(banging knife and fork on table) New Post! New Post! New Post!

...Okay, you really did not need that pressure, did you?

Deb said...

This was absolutely beautiful, ...I was truly moved by this. Great blog!

Icey said...

That was wonderful!!