
you big rock you...

funny how life gets in the way of things that are most important...a couple of nights ago...i was watching joel olsteen deliver a message about living a focused life...

he gave the illustration that i'm sure you've seen or heard before called...is this jar full?...it's a time management teaching tool...

first the big rocks go in...filled to the top...is this jar full?

then the gravel...again, to the top...is this jar full?

then fine grands of sand...all the way to the top...is this jar full?

just when you think you can get nothing else in the jar...take out a pitcher of water and fill the jar to the top...

the moral of the story...if you don't put your big rocks (the things that are most important to you)...you won't ever be able to fit them in...

my slant to this story...don't be offended if i call you a big rock...

1 comment:

DasKrait said...

That IS a plastic jar, right?
Would hate to think it was glass or ceramic....chuckle