
i remember...

to continue what was started yeterday and since we have a mandate from suga that fridays are 'by damn, we'll be happy day'...i decided that i would take a moment to reflect...on my memories....

i remember the first time i wrote my name...i was in headstart...the teacher's aide taught me to spell my name wrong....

i remember being on the playground and taking my hooded sweater and piling it on top of my head and spinning around until i turned into wonder woman...i was in kindergarten...

i remember my first dentist's appointment...i remember 'swishing'...i remember when tishelia brown stole stacy barnes lunch cause she said said she was hungry...i think it was just cause she was fat and greedy...first grade....

second grade...i remember mary ann roulhac...she couldn't read...i used to help her sound out words at recess...

i remember the time i was giving answers to lawana johnson on our spelling test and my third grade teacher, ms. barber, kept us so long after class that she had to drive us home...i still remember the ass whuppin' i got for that one...but it was ms. barber that invited her entire class to her house for a cookout...it was the first time i had ever seen a pool table in somebody's house and the first time that i realized some white people lived much differently than we did....i was runner up in the spelling bee that year...i got eliminated when i couldn't spell 'diaphragm'....now it's one of those words that i will NEVER forget...

michael cooke was my first crush...that little negro was so black...u have a hard time seeing him next to me in my fourth grade class picture...

i don't remember shit about the fifth grade except that my teacher's name was mrs. weiss and i wanted to be in mrs. dunn's class b/c she was prettier....besides...michael cooke was in her class...

i also wanted to take a moment to thank all of you that came to hang out this week...i am honored that you chose to spend time at this spot...however, i am REALLY looking forward to mia's return on monday...


DasKrait said...

Good Morning EVERYONE,

HUGE shoutout and THANKS to CSC for putting this together this week...all the monitoring of incorrect posts, etc, etc, etc, lotta work.....

My mom, in preparation for 'meeting Jesus' has been
going through, and distributing to us kids, all those
momentos moms keep. And interestingly I now have my
5th grade class photo, my first year in public school,
(home schooled grades 1-3, church school grade 4) several report cards, tons of other pics, even the newspaper article/pic about me being the first baby of the year at a certain hospital. Capricorn, remember?
My mom says that was the nicest I ever was....hehehehehe
She's j/k....

I will be taking a vacation day Monday and PROBABLY miss
the LIVE version of the first day back with Mia/ajc.

more for Emotion in a few.....chuckle

DasKrait said...

@emotion - i just had to comment about Michael Jackson
in an afro - bet MOST on here were NOT around to see
that, except for photographs....But yes, even I remember those days.....LMAO (I never wanted to marry him though)

DasKrait said...

@emotion - no, Mom is NOT ill, she will probably out live me....She is 78.

DasKrait said...

wise - i'm blushing......

DasKrait said...

yeah, Suga, remind everyone at ajc next monday morning
we are back to PG-13 land, I would if I was there.
will make an EXCELLENT early morning post....chuckle

DasKrait said...

Thanks, Suga. I had the post composed in my mind a few days ago and then remembered I would not be here to post it. aw, shucks.

all this dirty-talking reminds me of what I heard on the radio this morning, that is 'whores' end up on top.
a variation of "Good Girls Go To Heaven, Bad Girls Go EVERYWHERE". Now you guys know with my views on sexuality, those 'labels' not used by me but....

from NewsOfTheWeird:

In 1996, Cambridge (England) University researcher Fiona
Hunter, who studied penguins' mating habits for five years,
reported that some females apparently allow male strangers to mate
with them in exchange for a few nest-building stones, thus
providing what Hunter believes is the first observed animal
prostitution. According to Dr. Hunter, all activity was done behind
the backs of the females' regular mates, and in a few instances,
after the sex act, johns gave the females additional stones as sort of
a tip. [BBC News, 2-26-98]

DasKrait said...

"heh, baby, how many stones for a ...."

DasKrait said...

hayze - LOL - was that that Dexter Kerry Cattle boy?

DasKrait said...

yeah, Hayze, Rhys is hip (not to imply you are not)
but same person - MANY nicknames, now we can add
"toe_licker".....LMAO - personally I like them ALOT cleaner but to each their own.....

but that reminds me of 'cleanliness' we were discussing
ahwile back: second ex LOVED me to come in all smelly/sweaty from mowing lawn, etc, and the time was
NOW, now I am retentive enough to like to be freshly
showered,("wow, honey, like me take a shower first") but those times, smelly as I was, for HER, were NOW!!....

DasKrait said...

QS2 - trust you figured the song out? Think they only
had one major hit(really), played it to death, I even heard it in a club/bar within a year ago (or was it MUZAK in an elevator, not sure, chuckle)...I put it on last night, sure still has the beat...

DasKrait said...

QS2 - you gonna make me do it, huh? chuckle
INXS's "I Need You Tonight". it played in clubs

DasKrait said...

QS2 - if you are not blocked at work, amazon has a clip.
you may have been dancing to it years ago.

DasKrait said...

Emotion - thanks, actually I have a large family gathering this weekend and then one of my brothers is
coming to my place for the eve/day, his first to my place. Have a good weekend as well.

DasKrait said...

emotion must be watching TV, AND on-line, don't know how she does it all, and the trampoline thing too?

VERY little on web-sites, yet. MSNBC actually had
two small paragraphs.

My mom always told me to stay away from those Super-Freaky girls out in LA....so I moved there.chuckle
(actually, not really how it happened but the bonus
was rather nice)

DasKrait said...

damn, Cey, that was good!

DasKrait said...

yeah, those coke-leaf eating SouthAmerican Indians
that haul loads over the mountains VIGOUROUSLY die rather young as well. Heart gives out....

Anonymous said...

supposedly natural causes.."teddy"

DasKrait said...

QS2 - yeah, i figured you knew it, once you heard it.
you'd have to be locked away in some private/religious
boarding school NOT to hear it....My little sis, who was, tried to tell me some diddy as background for some web-mail piece(some cartoon) was Blondie, I had to say,
"No, that's Cool and The Gang". I was right.. chuckle.

i'm pausing for the silence.

DasKrait said...

da mahvels of da intanet:


DasKrait said...

emotion - i was actually going to say CNN HEADLINE NEWS
but went for TV instead, but knew(doubted) you learned
via on-line news.

SexyCool said...

if anyone is still here...i had some reports and monthly mailings to coordinate at work today...plus...i couldn't get the post screen to come up anyway...AND...i left work at 230p for a dentist's appt...

i missed you guys...see at the other spot next week...

same bat time....
same bat channel...

SexyCool said...

thank you for coming...

god bless...

good night...