
do not lean...

some times in our lives
we all have pain
we all have sorrow
but if we are wise
we know that there's always tomorrow
lean on me
when u'r not strong and i'll be ur friend
i'll help u carry on
for it won't be long
till i'm gonna need
somebody to lean on....

famous lyrics...the most noble principal of friendship that is SUPPOSED to mean the most when life seems to be kicking you down...but have u ever considered that it's not life that's kicking you down, but the people who r in it?....

i tell u...there's nothing like a crisis situation to show u who ur real friends r...

so for all my real friends...thank u...for being there and giving me support and encouragement when i need it most and who allow me to lean at the times when i cannot stand on my own...

for those who r just ppl i know...thank u...for showing me the true u and letting me know that sometimes i stand alone....

but ain't no grudges...

it's still all good...it's still all love...

b/c still, i stand...

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